Or not

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Alysa Pov

I hate staying at this fucking place! But Allison told me to calm down and stay a little longer, so they want know what hit them when we strike!

2 fucking months! I have to stay in this hell hole for two fucking months!! 🙄🙄 But my sister knows what she's talking about so I'll continue to play my roll as well as my so called parents!

Allison Pov

I'm not sure if my sister introduce me besides saying I'm her twin sister & that our mother didn't want me! But let me introduce myself! My name is Allison Halls, I'm 5'3, & weigh 160 pounds! See I'm the opposite of my sister! She's a hard worker with 6+ clothing stores and I refuse to let all her hard work go down the drain! So I lied and told her we will strike in two months because I don't want her to be apart of it! She not ready for this lifestyle that I live!

I been in a gang since 13! I know how this street life is and how it gets but I be dam if they think they gone bring that shit to my sister! I already had my crew to put cameras in their house so I can watch their every move! I hear and know everything they say! The vehicles they drive, I know everywhere they go! But I do have a little surprise for them! If they think they just gone set my sister up and get away with it, they got another thing coming! I'm gone bring back somebody they forgot to add to the crew!

Brittney Pov

It's just so fucking funny to watch my so call sister slowly kill herself! 😂😂 The bitch is dumb af! And I'm really getting tired of these kids! I might just kill them my dam self! 😊😊

The only reason they're alive is because of Markus & Alvin! They don't even smile, they just stare at you all day!

Ava Pov

I want my mommy, that other lady hits on me and tell me I'm ugly!! 😢😢

God please let mommy come get us! Please watch over my sister and brothers from that mean lady! Amen!🙏🏼🙏🏼

Brittney Pov

So lil bitch you think I'm mean?
Ava- n-no ma'am
B- so why you just say it then?
A-I-I was just praying for my mommy to come back home
B- Slap BITCH I am your mommy!

I can't stand these fucking kids! I'm so ready to fucking go. A matter of fact I need some new dick let me go. And little bitch watch after your sister and brothers! I'll be back later!

Ava- Y-y-yess ma'am

Ava Pov

😢😢 I want my mommy!

Allison Pov

I can't believe the shit I just saw! I can't wait to get my hands on that bitch! 😡😡 But what trip me out is how tf can a 3 year old take care of 4 fucking babies when she a baby her dam self!

Fuck that! Aye G get the team together, we handling this shit today!
G- Aite boss!

I already had a team over watching so I had them to get the kids out and take them to my house! I text Brittney from Alvin phone and told her to get home asap and did the same with Alvin phone!

Let's just say this shit is about to go down!!

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