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Allison Pov

It's been 5 days since we caught these bastards and Alysa will be moving to Hawaii in three days. I'll leave G in charge while I'm gone & they better enjoy this three day vacation!

After telling G the rules for everything I left heading toward my sister house!

10 mins later

Alysa Pov

While I was having a conversation with Sabrina my sister came by!
Alysa- Hey sis & hugs her
Allison- Hey hun and where are my nieces and nephews
Alysa- They at daycare you know it's a week day 😂😂
Allison- My bad I forgot 😂 you want to go get something to eat?
Alysa- Yea just let me go tell Sabrina so we can go!
Allison- Hold up is that the pregnant one that work at your job?
Alysa- Um yea! But why and how you know she pregnant I didn't tell you that!
Allison- I brought you some food yesterday & over heard lil miss Sabrina telling her mom how she slept with her Manager baby father and that he text her and said come get him at this address to call up his crew for help! His crew came around 3 that evening but I had already had my crew ready for action!

Without saying another word I walked back in my house to fine Sabrina! For one I know my sister not lying because I never told her about Sabrina nor that she was pregnant!

So Sabrina when was you going to tell me that you fuck Alvin behind my back and got pregnant! 😡

Sabrina Pov

As soon as I heard her say that I spit all of my water out

S-Huh I'm what did you say?
A- Oh bitch you heard me! When tf was you gone tell me you fuck Alvin behind my back and got pregnant by him?
S- I-it was a mistake! I promise I was gone tell you!
A- So did you make a mistake and fuck him or get pregnant by him?
S- (just looks down Alysa)I'm sorry
A- Get the fuck out! You low down as hell! All the times I came to you crying & trusting you when you was just another bitch that used me! Find you another job!
S- Alysa please I'm sorry! I need my job, please Alysa I'll do anything!
A- Oh you will?
S- Yes I promise

Alysa just smirk

Allison Pov

You'll do anything for my sister right?

S-Wait it's two of you!?
A-Bitch did I fucking ask you that? I said did you or did you not say you'll do anything for my sister?
S- Y-y-yes ma'am!
A-Ok well get on your knees and close your eyes!

Alysa Pov
I watched as my sister started speaking in tongue while her eyes turn black. She then press her hands on the side of Sabrina face. I could've sworn I saw something leave out of her body! I don't know what the fuck is going on but I'm scared af!

Allison- Don't be scared I'll never hurt you!

And with that Sabrina fell on the floor breathing heavy!

Alysa- What did you do to her?
Allison- I took her and her baby souls
Alysa- Why would you do that?
Allison- Because that child she is carrying has aids as well & was going to rape little children!
Alysa- Wtf! How do you know this? How did you do that?
Allison- I'll explain another time but as of now continue to do what your doing! Your powers will come later!
Alysa- My powers? What type of freaky shit is this? Are you high or drunk sis? You ok?
Allison- Omg Alysa shut up 😂 I said I'll explain later
Alysa- Ok ok my bad!

After her eyes turn back normal she looked at me & smile. Tf wrong with her?
Allison- You ready to go eat sis
Alysa- Um yes but what're we going to do about Sabrina?
Allison- Oh yea! Sabrina Rise! You are to answer only me or Alysa, you will command to our every need, & you will kill anybody that tries to hurt us! Do you understand?
S- Yes master

Bruuhhhh wtf

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