New Beginnings

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Alysa Pov
Sis as much as I would love to stay here and help you, I have babies to get home to and a plane to catch!
Alli- Wait before you go you have to forgive someone in order for the moon goddess to give you your full powers! She needs for you to show her that your able to forgive others! You don't have to do it know but before 3 weeks are up, you have too!
Aly- Really
Alli- Yes
Aly- Well when the DNA test come back give me a call!
Alli- Ok they will be here in 2 weeks so that's enough time! And also if you ever do bad things with you magic you will be locked away and tortured forever, even your soul!
Aly- Ok! Well sis I guess this is a see you later! I love you so much and I'm going to miss you!
Alli- I love and miss you too sis!

Aly- You know you should think about moving with me!
Alli- I'll think about it and come on so we can head to the airport the kids already there!
Aly- Ok, man I'm gone miss you sis!

30 mins later we arrived at the airport

Kids- Mommy, I miss you!
A- Momma miss you too babies! Thanks Ms. Tiffany for keeping my babies!
T- Anytime honey!
A- Are y'all ready to leave?
K- Yes mommy

Flight to Hawaii can start boarding the plane now

After hugging everyone we finally headed home! Instead of sending August with us I had him to stay behind and I picked out everyone else!

After we was seated, I held hands and prayed that we make it safely and that god continue to watch over my babies!
All my babies was sleep except Ava
A- Lil missy why you still up?
Ava- Because I'm scared mommy
Ava- because I don't want you to leave me again! What if those mean people get me again?
A- Don't worry baby, mommies here & there never coming back! I promise!
Ava- Pinky promise?
A- Yes pinky promises

And with that Ava fell asleep!

I'll have to call momma Tiffany to see if she been having bad dreams or trying to stay sleep! I don't want my baby going through this!

Alli- Sis what's wrong?
Aly- What the hell? Where you at?

I started looking around the plane but didn't see her!
Alli- Girl shut up with us being sisters and witches, we can feel each other emotions, & talk to each other through our mind!
Aly- Ok well Ava is scared to go to sleep because she think the mean people are going to hurt her again! I just don't want my baby girl to go through this!
Alli- Yes my mom told me she was having bad dreams and stuff!
Aly- I was hoping she wasn't! What am I going to do?
Alli- Calm down! We are witches, you can use the healing spell on her well all of them! Take all of the painful memories out and replace them with good ones! Just place your hand on their head and repeat ABRACADABRA five times!
Aly- Thanks sis! I don't know what I'll do without you & I'll do it once we make it to our new home!
Alli- I love you too now get some sleep!
Aly- Ok

8 hours later we finally arrive
I took all my babies to use the restroom and instead of waiting til we made it home, I heal them all while I'm the bathroom! I'm going to be honest I was beyond scared at first! Like what if I turnt my child into a burger or something!

We went and ate Mc Donald's and then headed home!

45 mins later

J-Omg mommy that's our house?
A- 😂 Yes baby it is?
Kids- Yayyyy

As soon as I open the door the kids took off running trying to find a room!

😂😂 Well Maddie & Markel mommy will show you two to your rooms!

I decided to get all my babies their own rooms so once they grow up all we have to do is change everything around!

I decided to get all my babies their own rooms so once they grow up all we have to do is change everything around!

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Excuse my shoes my feet are hurting and I was too lazy to move them but this is my room!

Excuse my shoes my feet are hurting and I was too lazy to move them but this is my room!

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