5 months later

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Part 6

Alysa Pov

It's been 5 months since I left Alvin & every depressing thing ever in my life behind! See the day I left, I got everything I bought! The living room set, kitchen table, bedroom set, everything! The only thing he'll have there is some blankets and shrimps🍤! 😏😏

I put shrimps in his vents, everywhere & he'll never figure out that smell!  As for me, it took me awhile to get my head back clear after everything but what I forgot to mention is how those 2 months of Alvin been gone, I had already got me a place just in case something like this happen! See he thought he won that battle but he didn't! I'm also 7 months pregnant with twins boys by that bitch as nigha Alvin! I decided to name them Alex & Aiden Wells!

I'm so happy I can't wait to see their little faces!

And since I left that bitch I now own not 1 nor 2 but 3 clothing stores named Ally's! I'm living real good! 😝😝 I stay in a 5 bedroom and 3 bath house by myself until my beautiful children come! I haven't talk, heard, nor seen from Alvin since that day & I am 100% happy that I haven't! Although he's the farther to my kids he doesn't deserve to know hell I wouldn't be surprised if he disclaimed them!

I been working so hard lately that I had to be on bed rest for a whole week! And let me tell you it was the LONGEST week of my life! For my little break, I was trying to decide on where I want my next clothing store located! 🤔I'm trying to decide between Atl or Chi town! I didn't know right now but wherever I decide for it to be is where I will be moving after the babies are born!

Alvin Pov

It's been 5 months since I've seen Alysa and I'm starting to miss her and regret everything! Brittney don't do half the shit Alysa did! She don't cook, clean, nothing! All she do is ask for more and more money! I been hearing that Brittney been fucking customers so I'm gone follow her ass tonight and see what's up!

Later on tonight

Brittney Pov

I love Alvin to death but dam a bitch only 27, I still have a life to live! I love my kids but I still want to strip and make money! 3 months after having Junior I started back stripping!

Tonight I kept getting this weird vibe from Alvin but I push it off since that's how he been acting lately! But let me tell you about tonight, I get to do a private dance with no other than Mr. Austin Song!

I made sure to switch extra hard and turn on  pornstar and started grinding, twerking my ass all over him. I could feel his friend on hard so I pulled him out and started sucking till he came all over me! Next thing i know I'm butt ass naked getting hit from the back, side, front & any other position you could name! I left out there with 7000 and Mr. Austin Song phone number. I have a feeling that this is only the beginning!

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