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Brittany Pov

I was scared! I don't know what they was doing to my mom but the screams I heard but me in a place I never wanted to be! I started rethinking my life and trying to figure out where did I ever go wrong?

Alvin Pov
I'm scared! I cry every time I hear Mrs. Halls scream & the worst part about it they had a tv in my room for me to watch it!
Alysa I'm sorry baby please just forgive me! We can start over we can be the family that you always wanted! God if you hearing my prayer please help me out, please!

Markus Pov

All I kept praying was that I get out of here before they get to me! Because from hearing the screams that are coming out of Mrs. Halls mouth are making me dam near shit my pants! I don't want to die! I'm too young, I haven't even experience life yet! 😭😭 I want my mommy!

Mr.Halls Pov
Dam dam dam! As stupid as it to say this right now, I see my girls got that hood side from me! I'm just scared af! All I hear is my wife screaming and I can't even do nothing to help her! We could've still been traveling the world if only Brianna didn't answer that phone for Brittney!

Allison Pov

Aye G go get all of them out the room, I want to play a game! 

So who's ready to play a game?Everyone looks at each other and doesn't say anything!I had a crew member behind every last one of dam with a knife around their necks now!Now I saw who tf wants to play a game?Everyone- We doA- Good now see that wasn...

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So who's ready to play a game?
Everyone looks at each other and doesn't say anything!
I had a crew member behind every last one of dam with a knife around their necks now!
Now I saw who tf wants to play a game?
Everyone- We do
A- Good now see that wasn't so hard! Ok so let's play tick tack toe

I want Brittany and Aaron( Mr. halls) to play against each other and Markus and Alvin play against each other and the winners will play against me!

Everyone looked at each other confuse and started playing!
Aaron lost to Brittney and Markus lost to Alvin! Brittney and Alvin played and Alvin won!

A- Looks like you get to play me Mr.Set a bitch up!
We played for a good amount of time & I must say he was good but he wasn't that good because I still won the game!

Allison- Now that I've let you guys have some fun today flip over your cards and tell me what you see on it!

Brittany- 4
Alvin- 3
Markus- 1

Well now that you guys know your numbers you can leave!! 😊

They just didn't know they just picked out the order to their pain! 😈😂😂😂

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