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Part 4

Alysa Pov

I cried and cried trying to figure out what my next move would be! Where was I going to live? What was I going to do? I just sat there in my front yard for a 1 whole hour begging to be let back in! Alvin looked at me and slammed the door!

All I wanted out that house was everything I own but if he think he won by throwing me out the house, he got another thing coming!! 😏😏

Alvin Pov

I finally got that miserable ass bitch out my life and my house! I can't  believe that hoe thought this was her house! 😂😂
(Phone call from Brittney)

B: Hey bae, wyd?
A: At work thinking about my future wife & beautiful children!
B: Awww bae that's so sweet, but I miss you though! When you coming back home daddy?
A: 😏 Daddy will be back home tomorrow but I gotta go baby, got a lot of work to do! 😘😘
B: Ok baby, I love you! 😘😘
A: Love you too, Ma!

Ends call & here Alysa beating at the door to be let back in 😂

This bitch so irritating! 🙄 walks to door & opens
Alysa: I just want my stuff and I'll never come back!
Alvin: Alright bitch, I'll be gone by tonight you can come back then or tomorrow to get your shit!
Alysa: Tomorrow I don't even have on any clothe....SLAMS DOOR s
Alvin: Not my problem hoe 😂😂

Alysa Pov

Not only am I outside with only underwear but it's freezing cold and started to ❄️! After  he slammed the door in my face, I just walked to my car, sat there and cried myself to sleep! I pray to god that I'm sorry for whatever I did to deserve this punishment!

I woke up the next morning having a hard time breathing, barely can move! I didn't care if this was my last breath or not, I was ready to die, ready for the pain to end, I didn't deserve this! Hell nobody did! Yet here I am feeling like I'm half of me is already gone! It took all the strength I had left to push myself further to get up and get out that car!

Half way frozen I manage to make it out the car & to the front door, only to see that that little bitch still lock the door! So I did the only thing I could do and that was break the window to get in! I broke the living room window climb through, not caring that I was walking on glass! I was numb, I had no feelings physically & emotionally!

I went straight to the bathroom, took a very long soaking hot bath, brush my teeth, & climb in my old king size bed! I was still wet and all from my bath but I didn't care I just wanted a 30 min nap! I had a lot to do & I plan to show Mr. Alvin exactly who he is messing with!

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