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Part 12

Alvin Pov

Dam man baby girl not even mines but Alvin jr is! That shit is crazy bruh fr!

Brittney been getting bigger. The hoe probably pregnant but I know for a fact it ain't my baby so ian gone trip about it I got a surprise for this hoe!

6 months later and it was finally our weeding

Brittney Pov

I'm so happy today is the day I finally marry my number one man! Everything is finally falling into place I had my twins, my sister who I haven't seen since childhood came, & I'm finally getting married!!

Sister- Hey big sis stop looking so worried, you are beautiful, smart, & very intelligent! I know we both wish mom and dad was here to see how far we've came but they are proud of you and so am I!
Brittney- Thanks sis I don't know what I'll do without you!
See dads normally walk you down the aisle but since my little sister is the only person I have left, she's going to walk me‼😊😊

30 mins later

We're finally standing in front of the door and as soon as the door open I instantly start crying, everything is so beautiful & I look to my left and see my sis in tears as well and August written with shock on his face!

As soon as I approach him everything went left

Alysa- Are you fucking serious Alvin you cheated on me with my fucking sister
Alvin- I-I didn't know
Alysa-I fucking hate you! Sis I'm sorry but if I knew this was who you are marrying I would've never came, I have two fucking sons by this bitch ass nigha and he haven't played daddy to them yet!

Brittney Pov
I didn't know what to say I was just shock & hurt! How could he do this to me, to us!

Brittney- Really Alvin so when you wasn't with me you was fucking my little sister and getting her pregnant? And then you left her how fucking could you- you bitch‼ I hate you!

Alvin Pov

Bitch I hate you! Nawl let me correct myself HOE I hate you! You trying to jump down my throat like you Mr good guy over here but tell everybody how you been fucking Austin & Markus behind my back! Tell them how my own daughter & the twins not my children HOE! And let's not forget tell them how your nasty ass gave me gonorrhea and chlamydia!!

Brittney Pov
Alvin- what you got to say now bitch
Austin- wtf you mean she gave you gonorrhea and chlamydia?
Alvin- like I said she gave it to me, I haven't cheated on her since we been engage so you might want to go get checked out!
Brittney- B-b-baby I'm sorry please I don't love them, I only want you!
Austin- You don't love me but you was just fucking and sucking my dick before you walked down the aisle, telling me how much you love me and I'm all yours!
Markus- you a nasty bitch for real, we just fucked before you came down the aisle too! Bitch give me my kids and go on by your business & by the way you FIRED!

Brittney Pov

You know what fuck all y'all, I don't need nan one of you pussy ass nighas! Oh and by the way I got AIDS so have a good life! & with that I walked off, if they want they children then fuck them too they can take care of them, I can finally be free and do what the fuck I want to do! 😜😜

Alysa Pov

I can't believe this shit! I just can't! I couldn't even open my mouth to defend my sister because what she did was low down but see when you do dirt Karma will bite you back in the ass! I bet Alvin see that Karma is a bitch! What I can't believe is that my sister left FOUR beautiful children behind and don't even give a fuck!

30 mins later

Everyone left except the 3 men and me
I only stayed because I need to figure out my nieces and nephews living condition!
Alysa- I don't know y'all two but I will be keeping all my sister kids until you'll do a DNA test and show that you are their father! Once that comes we can talk about their living whereabouts! And with that I got all the kids and left! It's been too much bullshit for these kids to witness at suck a young age!

Alvin Pov

I just watch Alysa set the record straight for all of us before we even began talking! Like dam I should've stayed with her! She never cheated on me or nothing she loved me unconditionally but that's what I get for being a bitch to the one person that had my back more than anybody‼😢😢

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