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Part 19

Ashley Pov

Hi guys, that 3 threesome was the best I ever had! I know I'm wrong but I been messing with Brittney boyfriend behind her back! I mean his sec is just so dam perfect and I haven't had sex like this in years because of my decision! See I'm a transgender and when everyone found out, no one wanted to deal with me anymore! I literally had to go under cover because of how much I was getting my ass beat from my previous boyfriends!

I told Austin before we had the threesome and he was find with it, he just said don't tell Brittney! So we didn't! 

Anyway I went to my doctors appointment that I get every 4 months just to make sure everything is still perfect and disease free! But instead I found out I have fucking aids 😫😫

Brittney Pov

Life is good I'm 6 months pregnant with a little boy so he definitely be a junior! I'm so happy, I need I get in contact with Markus I really miss stripping! 

I went to my old job to only find out that Markus has been missing but I still could get my job back! I'm so happy! Pregnant or not I'm about to pop this pussy for some money! Austin been acting a little funny toward me lately so I been spending more time with my other boo that's rich! His name is Richard and he even let me meet his parents! He's a really nice guy, I wish I could be faithful too him but I just can't!

Austin Pov

I know I been acting funny with Brittney but I can't help it, I'm falling in love with Ashley more and more everyday! I just ready to pound that big fat juicy pussy!

I've been staying with Ashley every since Brittney bday & that was 4 months ago! I'm just so ready to marry Ashley and just let Brittney have all my kids since Ashley can't have any! I mean why not? All we been doing lately is arguing over petty shit! So she can have all my babies and take care of them by her dam self! This this irritating ass bitch calling now

A- Hello
B- Baby when you coming home I need you
A- I don't know man, I'll come when I feel like it!
B- See that's the bs I'm talking about, I hate you!
A- Man fuck you! You know what bitch by I got better things to do!

And with that I hung up! Let me go make this stop real quick to ease my mind before I kill a bitch!

Unknown Pov

Markus- Awww fuck dam, get the fuck off of me
Unknown- nawl you gone give me this dick today
Markus- I'm not giving you shit, let me the fuck go! You fuck me everyday! I would've fuck you for free if you would've just asked me before kidnapping me! You didn't have to go this far!
Unknown- Baby I'm sorry, I thought you wouldn't have wanted me, I'll let you go if you just fuck me real good!
Markus- Ok baby

Markus Pov

The kidnapper untied me and as much as I didn't want to fuck this person I did it! I had to gain this person trust until I'm able to go outside and figure out where I'm at!

M- You like that shit baby
U- awwwww y-y-yesss daddy go deeper baby go deeper
M- fuuuckkk you tight af baby
U- I'm aboooouuuttt to cccuummmmmmm
M- Now suck this dick and swallow all of my kids!
U- ok daddy

After round after rounds and telling this person I love them over and over, my kidnapper finally fell asleep! I tied that person up, took the keys, & left! If I would've known the only thing I had to say was I love you to be set free I would've been did that! I was debating on whether or not I should call the police but fuck that, that sick nasty mf deserve to die! I'll just burn that building down and hopefully that nasty bitch die! But before I go, let me see exactly who this person was! I ran back in took the mask off and couldn't believe my eyes!

Bruh wwwttffffff!

This whole time Austin was the one who kidnap me!! 😡😡
Fuck burning this bitch down, I'm gone give this bitch a taste of his on medicine‼‼

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