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Part 16

Alvin Pov

TBH I haven't been the same since that wedding! I knew what my plan was for Brittney but I swear I never knew that her and Alysa were sisters! I would've never went that far as to hurting her by fucking her sister! I love all of my children but when I'm not with them, I'm drinking nun stop! I just can't seem to get Alysa out of my mind! What I did was pretty fuck up but maybe if I start off with being her friend, I might be able to slide my way back into her life! 😊

Alysa Pov

I can finally say I'm out that depressing stage that I was in and now I'm back to my happy self! It took me a few months to pull myself together & I finally did it! It got so bad that I had to sit down and talk to a therapist about it! I just find it funny that all of this started with Alvin cheating! I shouldn't be the one under all this pressure but dealing with a total of 6 kids, things happen! I finally stop blaming myself because all fingers are pointing from no other than the cheating ass bastard Alvin! I hate his ass so much now!

I'm only 26 and should be able to go out, party, & have fun! Guess what though, I cant because I step up to the plate that 3 grown ass men should've did! Markus has been missing for 4 months now and his phone off so I have no way into getting in contact with him! Austin bitch ass left as soon as he found out Ava was his child! Alvin helps out wth the kids a lot but I have my personal reasons as to hating him but I don't keep him from them! Like I said before I hate him for my personal reasons not there's!

I love all my babies so much! They will no longer be considered my nieces and nephews, they are my babies now and forever! Ava is 3, junior is 1, Alex and Aiden will be 1 in a month, & Maddie and Markel are 6 months now! I can say that watching all my babies go from crawling to trying to walk are some of the best moments of my life! No one has heard or seen Brittney since that wedding. I've tried to reach out a couple of times just to see if she's alive! I never could get in contact with her though. I tried my best to let her in while their still young but I'm done trying! She will realize years from now how young and dumb she was but it's her lost! And if her hoe ass ever think she gone come back and take them, that bitch gone deal with a side of me she has never seen!

Markus Pov

It's been dam near 4 months now and nobody has found me yet! I cry myself to sleep every night because I'm tired of being in this dam place! I just want to get out of here and get my babies 😢😢 I don't even know who this person is.  I guess they trying to get pregnant by me because the only thing they want from me is sex! If I would've known that's all they wanted I would've fuck them for free every day! But after all the bs I have been through with this crazy ass person, I'm killing her as soon as I get free!

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