Happy endings

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Allison Pov

As love as I would love to keep them company I need to go check on my family!
Aye G keep everything in check, I'll be back in a hour or two!
G- Aite boss

20 mins later

Alysa Pov
Alysa- girl why you at my door screaming 😂
Allison- 😑 I can sing!
Alysa- lol anyway what you doing over this way? I haven't seen you for 2 days!
Alli- well let's just saw I'm having fun with out visitors 😈
Aly- what kind of fun? You know what tell me everything! 😁😁
After telling Aly everything her eyes almost pop
out from being so shock. I just say in her face and laugh
Aly- that's not funny! Your more gangster than I am, I see! But they deserve everything their getting! By the way miss Brittney out her hands on my baby and I found out that Markus and Alvin made them watch them have sex!! 😢😢
Alli- sshhh it's ok! We're going to get through this!
Aly- it's just that my babies have been through so much while their still young!
Alli- You have been through a lot while still young & honestly I'm glad all this happen while their young than older. They want remember this when they get older!
Aly- I'm sorry sis, I just been so emotional lately!
Alli- it's ok we understand. You don't have to be strong, don't hold your pain in!Let it out!

Aly- That's all it took for me to let all the pain out! I'm truest thankful for my sister! She has been there for me more than anybody, I can't thank her enough!
Thank you sissy, I really do love you!
Alli- aww I love you to sis! Now get yourself together and enjoy life!
Aly- Ok & im thinking about moving! You know new place, new life, new surroundings!
Alli- Do whatever makes you happy!
Aly- (Hugs Allison while crying) I really do love you. You have cared & love me when nobody else would. I'm glad to have someone that I can trust!
Alli- it's ok baby girl, I love you and I'll stop by again tomorrow!
Aly- ok( gets up and hugs Allison and waves good bye)

Well I guess it's time for my family and I to move!

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