Beautiful sounds

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The screaming, crying, and kicking sounds like music to my ears! I just say there and watched as my mother suffered in pain! Eating her alive and it's just so beautiful! Your probably saying dam Allison is crazy! I'm not just don't EVER fuck with the people I love or I will come after you! And I will kill you! 😊

Briana- Please stop please, I can't take it no more 😭😭😭
Dr- Stops
A- Did I fucking tell you to stop?
Dr- N-n-oooo ma'am
A- Well you better keep fucking going before I have your ass on this table getting you dick chop off!
Dr- gulped yes ma'am

Dr. Rogers Pov

(Thinking to himself) Why did I put my family in this mess? I'm so sorry god please forgive me!
A- You should be 😂😂
Wtf! How did she know I said that? I'm only thinking that?
A- You'll never know 😁

Allison Pov

I rolled up and blunt and smoke as my mother cried and scream nun stop! The blunt was really calming my nerves but this bitch screaming was slowly killing my high!

A- Bitch if you don't shut the fuck up, I will kill you my dam self!
Brianna- Dddooo it, you killing me already!
Did this bitch just temp me and yell at me?

A- 😂 💢 Punch BITCH don't ever get loud at me again and since you so hard let me see how much pain you can handle! Pass me the knife over there!
Life up her shirt
B- No no I'm sorry! I'm sorry just please don't do it!
A- Oh you sorry now huh? Well guess you too late BITCH😂😂
I cut her bra off and cut off both of her nipples

The bitch scream so dam loud, I punch her ass and she was knock out cold!

FUCK I wanted that bitch to feel all the pain! 😞
Imagine her breast getting cut like this but not that big!

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