The nerve

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Part 9

Alvin Pov

I know Brittney think I went to the store to get some food but the truth is I had to go back to my house! I love my family and future wife but I need a break from them! 🙄

45 mins later pulling up at my house

I pulled up at my house that I haven't been too in over a year and start thinking about how I did Alysa!
I know I shouldn't be thinking of her when I'm about to get married but I can't help myself! I fucked up not a little bit but a lot. I cheated on her, got 2 kids on her, left her,  & kick her out when she had no place to go!
Well I heard she got a couple of clothing stores so let me go make a stop and she if she up there!

Alysa Pov

Well today was a regular day at work, we wasn't so busy so I decided to get my babies from daycare early and bring them to work!

Alex & Aiden are so handsome and it's so crazy how much they look like their dad 😂

30 mins later

The boys are knock out sleep and I start to clean up the store until I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to the last person I expected to see‼

Alvin Pov

I pulled up at Ally's boutique and I must say she did a dam good job by herself, I mean wow! I was nervous as hell but walked in and thank god Alysa back was turnt because she didn't notice me so I decided to tap her on the shoulder and her face went from calm to hate within seconds!

Alvin & Alysa convo
Alysa- May I help you?
Alvin- Hey Alysa how you been doing?
Alysa- May I help you with anything in the store sir?
Alvin- Look I know I'm the last person you want to see but I promise you from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry for everything I did!
Alysa-  😂😂😂😂😂
Alvin- what's funny??
Alysa- You're funny, let me guess Mr. Family man don't want to be in the family no more?
Alvin- Whatever, I'm happy where I'm at and if I wasn't I wouldn't be marrying her!
Alysa- 😂😂 congrats! You must thought that that was going to make me cry because you're trying to rub it in my face? Well guess again sir! See I'm happy by myself, owning not 1 but almost up to 7 different boutiques around the world! See sir I make money and I handle my responsibilities!
Alvin- I never said it to rub it in your face but congrats
Alysa- Thanks and walks off
Alvin- can I have your numb( her babies crying)er
Alysa- hold on I'll be right back

Still Alvin Pov
Alysa walks out with two little boys in guessing twins but wait they look like ME & Alysa
Alvin- Alysa who babies?
Alysa- OURS
Alvin- wtf you mean they are my babies, when tf did I make two children to even get you pregnant? And how you get pregnant  when you can't even have kids?
Alysa-  Take kids back to the back and locks store up
Alysa- First of all bitch they are YOUR kids if you want a DNA test go ahead and get one & second of all bitch if YOU wasn't out getting the next bitch pregnant you would've found out for our anniversary that I was pregnant with your twin boys then! But don't worry my kids are great and doing good and before you question me about whether or not my kids are yours go question the bitch you was cheating with first! Now you can politely walk your bitch ass out my store and never return!

That bitch really hit a nerve. I've never cheated on any male that I was with so why would I cheat on him after 5 years? But as you can see after nighas get what they what from basic bitches, they ready to come back to the real bitches that held they ass down! Mr. Alvin can fuck hisself though because this real as bitch right here will NEVER go back to his bitch ass! I'm on to bigger and better things now!

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