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Alysa Pov
I'm so happy that bitch is finally going to die! I can finally rest and go home to my babies! Oh how I miss them!

Brittany Pov
Them bitches thought they killed me well guess what bitches I'm still alive & living free!

Allison Pov

Phones Ring

B-Don't put her in the ground yet Allison!
Allison- The fuck you mean don't put her in the ground yet?
B- Because Brittany transferred her soul into someone else body so the person in that casket isn't Brittany!
A- Fuck
B- Look I know you wanted to wait til Alysa left to tell her everything but you have to tell her now!
A- I know & thanks!🙄

Instead of telling Alysa to turn around I had G and crew one to bring her back so we could get whoever that is cared for. We don't want them to die or will never be able to kill Brittany!

Brittany Pov

Them bitches almost had me but I jump inside of Sabrina body since she's fresh and soul less! 😈

Alysa Pov
Sis what's wrong you look like something is bothering you?
Alli- Um Brittany not dead!
Alysa- 😂 Duhl we buried her alive she'll be dead in a couple of days
Alli- Um no she want! She switch bodies with someone else! So whoever is in that casket isn't Brittany!

Alysa- How do you know this? How tf did she do that?
Alli- Because Allison Brittany is a witch just like us & all my workers are as well! When Brittney was talking to Sabrina & touched her she only saw a vision of Brittany life! We already know she's in Sabrina body but we gone need you to put her back in her body!

Aly- WTF! I'm a witch? So you, mom, dad, & Brittany all are witches and knew? Why didn't I know?
Alli- No only we are witches & not just any witch! We are the strongest to ever be alive!
Brittany only has dark magic so she can only jump from body to body if she wanted too!
But you have the ability to put her back in her body and take her magic away for good! She doesn't know we know she's out but by Sabrina body still being under our every command, she'll still obey us!
Aly- How can I do that when I never knew I had magic? I don't even know how to use it!
Alli- I'll show you but first I have to cut both of our hands and then close your eyes and repeat everything I say!
Aly- Um ok
Alli- Don't be scared trust me!

(Picture 1)

Alysa PovAfter repeating the words, I felt stronger! The heartbreak I just had was no longer there!

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Alysa Pov
After repeating the words, I felt stronger! The heartbreak I just had was no longer there!

Why did you get your powers before me?
Alli- Because the moon goddess needed you to bring all evil spirits to the light!
Aly- The moon who?
Alli- The one who's above us all! Witches, vampires, wolves are all real!
Aly- Omg well now that I have my power how do I take her soul and put it back?
Alli- Once you touch her everything will go back but I will help you as well!

Sabrina Come

Brittany Pov
Sabrina Come! My body started moving before I even notice! Wtf is going on? Why can't I control my body?

I tried to jump into someone else body but no one in this room was human!

Yes master?
Alli- Sit and don't move
Yes master

Alysa come!

Alysa Pov
What if I mess up? What if I set her free!
Alli- Calm down, I'm right here!

Repeat this words after me and hold on to Sabrina body and I'll hold on to Brittany body!

I bind you left,
I bind you right,
I bind you now,
Stay out of my sight

I bind you day,
I bind you night,
I bind you now,
With all my might

I bind you left,
I bind you right,
I bind you now,
Stay out of my sight

I bind you day,
I bind you night,
I bind you now,
With all my might

I bind you left,
I bind you right,
I bind you now,
Stay out of my sight

I bind you day,
I bind you night,
I bind you now,
With all my might

And with that I saw Brittany soul transfer back into her body! After that we took all her powers away & set her body on fire!

Allison- Alysa don't feel bad! The moon goddess wanted us to do her like this so she could feel all the pain she cost!

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