Let the fun begin

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Let the fun begin

Alvin Pov

I refuse to have a pussy between my dam legs! I snatch one of the guards phone while they was too busy eating!

I hate the situation I'm in and I would've never thought Alysa would've had us tortured like this! I had Sabrina to call up my crew for me and I know for a fake they gone get me out of here! But dam they need to hurry tf up, they already got my ass tied up butt ass naked. I just pray they don't start the procedure!

1 hour later

Allison Pov

I had over 500 crew members here ready to take action but of course I had them to hide! I also had extra cameras set up and places we couldn't see!

I had Mr. Alvin tied up right beside me looking at the cameras! Waiting for his so call crew members to show up!

I had a little surprise for them for when the pull up!

15 mins later 7 Trucks pull up with 9 people getting out of each one! Meaning that's a total of 63 people😈 anyway let the action begin!

As soon as they got out, I had a screen protector start playing Alvin fucking Markus, Alvin foursome with Austin, & Alvin fucking Richie. You should've seen the shock on their faces!

So now that you see the true meaning behind this little bitch I will give you option A to leave out alive or option B to get killed! Oh yea and every step you take I will stab him!

So what's the answer going to be?

Alvin I'm sorry! I love you and all like a brother but it's not worth me losing my life and as well as my best workers!

A-Good choice! Open the gates and let them out! Oh wait just to show you to never come across us again!

Lean him back!

Alvin- ahhh bitch don't touch me, I'll kill you!
Oh really! 😈
Alvin- Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Are we clear?

Yes we are. I'm sorry man!

Now let's just say instead of getting Alvin a vagina, I did my own surgery and gave him half of his dick!! 😈😈

Call Dr. Rogers now for him to sew him up but make sure he put some alcohol on first. We don't want our little womb getting infected!!🤣🤣

I really be trying to be nice I don't know why they want just listen and cooperate!

45 mins Later

After our little surgery, I decided to let him have a little more pain!

See Mr. Alvin you had 63 people to try and kill us so for that I will tase you 63 time in the mouth, mace you everyday until you reach day 63, you will not eat for 63 days no I take that back I want him feed only shit with a tube for 63 days & I guarantee you 63 days from now you'll regret for trying me BITCH!

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