Pays back a bitch!

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Alysa Pov

I called Allison and told her everything & let's just say she ready to kill August!

That night we took a plane back to Detroit! I had all of them tied up now & had Jay to sit in the room and watch them!

I on the other hand was heartbroken! He used me again, he lied to me again, he broke promises that he couldn't keep AGAIN! 😢😢

I just went in the movie room and watched "Why did I get Married" until I fell asleep!

I wasn't even hungry anymore but I refuse to starve myself over a nothing ass nigha!

I was just ready for the plane to land so I could cry on my sister shoulder!

8 hours later

We finally landed and I ran straight to Allison and started crying! She had the crew to take them back to the trap house for questioning!

Allison Pov

I couldn't believe my ears! I couldn't believe August had sex with Brittany! I mean she a dam HOE! He really done fucked up playing with my sister feelings!

A-You know I trusted you right?
Aug- Allison I promise I was gone tell her!
A- Nigha when? After or before yo ass got caught? And it's real funny how we got your babymomma in there getting tortured everyday and now all of a sudden yo kids come out of nowhere trying to kill my sister!
Aug- It's not what you think! I promise I haven't talked to them nor heard from them in years! You can check all my accounts!
A- Oh I know and you better believe I'm already on it! And if I find out you lying you'll never see daylight again!
Aug- I promise I'm not lying!

Aug Pov

Man dam man! I didn't want her to find out this early! I was gone tell her but later like after I married her or something! Fuuuccckkkk

Alysa Pov
After crying for what seem like forever I finally got up and was ready to torture a bitch! I leave tomorrow and lil miss Brittany is finally about to get her punishment!

Aye G bring that bitch out!

Let me go, let me go!
Aly- Shut the fuck up bitch before I kill you now!
B- I'm sorry! I didn't do nothing!
Aly- You didn't do nothing? Bitch you did EVERYTHING! You fucking slept with the one person you knew I loved more than anything & on top of that you got pregnant by him! You fucking had sex with another man that I was with for 5 fucking years, you put your fucking hands on my kids, you paid our own parents & a doctor to fake like I was in a coma for two years, you tried to ruin my fucking life!

B- Bitch so what? You always acting like you lil miss perfect! Perfect life, perfect boyfriend, perfect grades, perfect kids, perfect job! Bitch you ruin my life! I loved August but he was too busy looking at your stuck up ass and he didn't give a fuck about me! That's why I carried his babies in my womb for 9 months something you'll never get to experience! 😂😂 You pathetic little bitch I don't give a fuck! That's why I took Alvin from you and had his kids first because the little perfect bitch couldn't have any kids! 😂😂 You think I'm scared of you Bitch!

Alysa- Say sis it seems like this bitch has a lot to say!

Allison- You thinking what I'm thinking?
Alysa- Yea but before we cut off that bitch tongue, I want her to feel a little more pain than that!

Allison gran the utensils and I got the lighter and started burning her tongue with the lighter until I seen tears running down her face but I wasn't done yet!😂😂

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