Part 2

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Alysa Pov
The things that I've been through and the things that I felt, I refuse to believe I was in a come for 2 years! The sad part about it is that it's true, he evidence was right in front of my face!
I ended up staying in the hospital longer than I suppose to because they thought that I was crazy after telling them my story! I guess I lost my memory as well!

Today I found out that my name is Allison not Alysa! I'm 21 in college not 26! I don't have any children and I don't have a boyfriend either! All these things that in hearing is breaking my soul piece by piece!

Mrs. Halls(Alysa aka Allison mom)
Hey baby are you ok
A- Yea
H-Did you eat?
Ok well love you baby and I'll see you later!
A- ok
It hurt me to see this innocent women going through this but I needed the money so I had to continue to act my roll!

Alvin Pov
As much as I love Alysa I had to kill her well at least try! Non of this wouldn't happen if I didn't meet her! And as far as Markus he's my left had man, literally!

Markus Pov
Hey guys, now that the bitch is out the picture for good! I can finally say I am in LOVEEEEE! Yelp me! I kind of feel guilty for what I did to Alysa but she deserve it. She set her sister up to get aids and now I have it, so of course I join with Alvin to end her life! And as far as the kids , their at home probably sleeping with Brittney now!

Brittney Pov

After hearing Alvin out from what my sister did to me, I knew the perfect revenge to get on her! Alvin started the plan but I finish it! Instead of ending her life, I decided to give her some medicine so she want remember nothing from the past! I paid the doctor 100,000 to go alone and keep his mouth shut and so far so good! And I also knew my parents weren't dead so of course I paid them to go alone with the plan as well!

That bitch thought she could just have somebody to give me a disease and get away with it? But guess what Karma's a bitch hoe!

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