Glitter In the Air

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**Just throwing this out there, this story contains some dark language as well as an abuse storyline, if it's not your thing, skip it. Love you all!

And it's only half past the point of no return
The tip of the iceberg
The sun before the burn
The thunder before the lightning
Breath before the phrase
Have you ever felt this way?

"You really are worthless." Paul growled at Sharna as he shoved her out of his way and her body slammed into the counter. She hissed at the feel of her ribs hitting knocking the wind out of her for a moment. "One of these days, you'll realize."

"Fuck." She said softly under her breath as she realized her ribs were going to bruise most likely. She had rehearsal that day for the upcoming DWTS tour.

"What was that?!" Paul said coming back at her with a glare.

"Nothing. Nothing." She said immediately praying he would believe her.

"Don't fucking mumble at me ever again, you little bitch." He said before storming out of the house. Sharna sank down to the floor for a moment attempting to catch her breath. Her entire body was shaking like a leaf and she felt like she was going to vomit.

"How did I get here?" She said as a few tears slipped down her cheeks. About 3 months ago, something had changed in Paul. He had gotten ridiculously possessive and just down right mean. Shortly after that it was like he was bipolar, there were moments where he would be sweet and kind to her and then moments where he literally came after her much like a few moments ago. She had tried leaving once, right after he started becoming physically violent and he had dragged her back in the house by her hair. He told her that if she ever left him that he would come and find her and make her life a living hell.

"Not like it isn't already." She said out loud as she thought about everything. She dried her eyes and stood up. Her rib already beginning to throb in protest. She lifted her shirt and cringed at the already forming purple bruise on her hip.

"How in the fuck am I going to explain this one?" She said as she thought carefully. Paul had managed to always only mark her in areas that didn't raise suspicion. Bruises on her arms and legs, especially during a season weren't uncommon from the hours of rehearsals she would put in. This one however, wasn't going to fly if anyone saw it. She took a deep breath and headed to her closet to find a sports bra and then an oversized t-shirt with leggings. She figured she could tuck the t-shirt into the leggings and pray that it didn't come loose. She had hide this from everyone for this long, she could keep it up. Plus it was almost tour time so she would be away from him for a while. She wasn't sure how that was going to go down considering how possessive he was lately but that would sort out when it came.

'I'm on my way babe.' Her phone went off with a text from Peta. The girls had taken to riding to rehearsal sometimes together and Val would ride along too.

'I'll be outside.' Sharna texted back as she locked up and headed out to wait for her friend by the curb. Peta pulled up a few minutes later as Val hopped out to let Sharna in the front.

"Hi princess." He said hugging her. She smiled at her nickname but winced as his hand brushed her rib.

"Hi love." She said pulling back quickly. He saw the flash of pain on her face and looked at her in concern. She dove in the car though and prayed that he wouldn't push it.

"Princess, you okay?" He said settling in the backseat.

"I'm fine. Just sore from yesterday's practice. Hey babe." Sharna said smiling at her best friend.

"Hey, you ready for today? I can't believe we leave in a few days." Peta said as she maneuvered the vehicle back into traffic and headed toward the rehearsal space.

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