You Give Love A Bad Name

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An angel's smile is what you sell
You promise me heaven, then put me through Hell
Chains of love got a hold on me
When passions a prison, you can't break free
Oh, you're a loaded gun, yeah
Oh, there's nowhere to run
No one can save me
The damage is done
Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
You give love a bad name (bad name)
I play my part and you play your game
You give love a bad name (bad name)
You give love, a bad name

"How much are you going to miss me today?" Val asked as he got ready the one morning. They had come back from their honeymoon in Africa a few days ago and life was starting back up. He had some meetings to attend with Maks about a few new Dance With Mes they would be opening in the fall.

"Well, I am seeing the other love of my life today so I may not even notice you're missing." Sharna said as she got dressed and started to pull her hair up.

"Seriously!" Val said grabbing her hips and tickling her. Quickly in his mind he realized that there was a time in her life when that wouldn't have been okay and she would have full out panic. The leaps and bounds she had made lately was so amazing to her.

"Hey, I love my Shai." Sharna said spinning towards him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"But what about me?" He said as he tipped forward and brushed her lips.

"You, my love, you are my favorite. And I will definitely miss you. Especially after 20 days of nothing but us time. I wish you were coming with us." She said leaning forward to kiss him again.

"Me too, but Maks and I are going to meet you guys later and we're doing dinner at their house right?" Val said as his hand slid up the back of her shirt stroking the soft skin gently.

"Right, however, if you keep that up handsome, we will get absolutely no where. And I do want to give Shai his souvenirs." She said leaning away from his body.

"Fineeee. One more." He said leaning against her lips again.

"Always." She said kissing him again before they parted ways. She headed to gather all the supplies for her day with Peta and Shai. They were going to get lunch before going to hang out at a park for the afternoon. She headed back to tell Val she was leaving before she headed out.

"Sha-na! Sha-na!" Her nephew's voice sounded as she entered the cafe Peta had picked. Before she even say him, a pair of tiny arms wrap tightly around her legs.

"Oh my goodness, come here. I missed you." Sharna said leaning down and scooping the munchkin up. He wrapped his arms around her neck holding her tight.

"Mised you tooo." He said into her hair as his hand wound tightly in her ponytail. She pressed a kiss to his cheek before she noticed Peta sitting in a booth watching the two.

"Babe." Sharna said smiling happily as she approached her friend. The two hugged tightly with Shai in between them. Sharna went to sit in the booth but went to turn Shai around.

"Nooooooooooo." He whined immediately.

"I'm not letting go buddy. I'm just going to put you in my lap." Sharna said soothingly. Shai however didn't seem to believe her and clung to her tighter.

"He's been asking for you for over the past week." Peta said looking guilty.

"P! You could have called. I would have talked to him, or we could have skyped him." Sharna said feeling guilty.

"I know, but we wanted you two to enjoy your time. And we'd remind him where you were and that you were coming back and he would be okay."

"I know but still. I don't want him thinking I abandoned him."

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