Shake It Out

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Regrets collect like old friends
Here to relive your darkest moments
I can see no way, I can see no way
And all of the ghouls come out to play
And every demon wants his pound of flesh
But I like to keep some things to myself
I like to keep my issues strong
It's always darkest before the dawn

"Hey you." Val's sleepy voice shook Sharna from her thoughts early the morning of their first therapy appointment.

"Morning." She said as she shifted to look at him for a moment before returning her gaze to the ceiling.

"Good morning." He said sliding closer to her.

"How'd you sleep?" She murmured. Val rested his head on her and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. She shifted slightly into him, settling her head on his.

"I slept alright, I don't think you did though, did you?" He said as he found her fingers and squeezed them gently. Her head shook slightly against his, confirming that she did not sleep much last night.

"I'm scared." She whispered. Val's heart broke at her announcement and at the same time, he wanted to strangle Paul for all he had done to his girl. He shifted his body away from hers before sliding up on the pillow and tucking her into him. Her arms looped his body as she buried into his chest, breathing deeply.

"I know I can't fix this fear for you. It's part of why we're going but you know I'll be with you every single step of the way and I'm so proud of you as it is. I love you princess." Val said as his hand rubbed her back gently. She murmured that she loved him as well however stayed pressed into him, needing his comfort right then and there.

"What if she says I'm not fixable?" Her voice finally came out, muffled slightly from his shirt and chest.

"Babe, she's not going to say that." Val said as his lips pressed gently to her head.

"You don't know that." She argued weakly.

"Oh but I do. Come here." He said as he shift her up on the pillow so he could see her face. He reached out and brushed a piece of hair out of her eyes.

"I liked the other spot better."

"I do, but I wanna see your beautiful eyes. Now, back to you not being fixable. They are not going to tell you that because for one, it's unprofessional and if by some slim to none chance that happens, I'll be reporting her. But secondly, you are always fixable in fact, I don't even think you're broken. You're just a little bruised."

"Or a hot mess. You're going to yell but I honestly don't get why you love me and why you've married me sometimes. You could have found someone so much easier and much less work."

"But anyone else wasn't you. They weren't going to be the person I wanted to talk to when something great went on in my life or when something horribly wrong occurred. They weren't going to be the person I wanted to wake up to every day."

"Even if that person makes you pep talk them every morning?" Sharna said with a slight tease and Val could see her settling a little.

"Princess, I would pep talk you every hour if that's what you needed." Val said pressing a kiss to her nose.

"You're too good for me."

"Never good enough sweetheart. Now come back here, let me hold you for a bit before we have to get ready." Val said as she slithered back down his body and curled into his chest as tightly as she could. She hummed as she breathed him in and he felt her nerves settle some. They laid there for a while before they need to get ready. Val also made an attempt at getting Sharna to eat breakfast but it was pretty much a lost cause. She did however eat a few bites of his bagel.

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