Tell Your Heart To Beat Again

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Just let that word wash over you
It's alright now
Love's healing hands have pulled you through
So get back up, take step one
Leave the darkness, feel the sun'
Cause your story's far from over
And your journey's just begun

Sharna was getting ready for dinner after she had woken up from her nap with Peta. After her realization, she had seemingly fell asleep curled up with her best friend. The stress and turmoil of the last few days taking it's toll on the girl. She was spending some quiet time getting ready as she let some soft music play in the background. Peta's exercise as well as it had helped her out had really done her in. Her brain was spinning at a million miles an hour. She worked on slowly straightening her hair as she tried to do her yoga breathing exercises that she would normally do during her yoga. It helped minimally but did settle her a tiny bit. She moved on to finding her dress and doing her makeup before there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." She said softly.

"It's just me princess." Val said entering the room. The moment he stepped in, she could tell he wasn't dressed for dinner which made her heart sink just a little bit.

"What's up?" She said moving to the bathroom to finish her makeup. She knew he would follow her.

"I just wanted to check on you. You've been really quiet ever since you and P napped." Val said as he leaned against the door frame.

"We talked, that's all. It made my head think a lot and as much as it helped it just added to everything you know." She said pausing to look back at him in the mirror.

"I get it sweetheart." He said quietly as he watched her precise movements.

"You're not coming to dinner now?" She said finally finishing and turning to look at him. Selfishly she wanted him there just because he did settle her but she had him all the time so she should probably not be a brat about this.

"Umm, not the first one. I have to meet Alex for a little bit but I'll be at the second one. And we're still going to the tree later right? With Woo?" Val asked.

"Yeah. I don't want to wait too late but I don't want to abandon the second dinner with everyone. Baba is coming to that one right?"

"She is. I'm going to bring her actually since I'll be with Alex beforehand. I think if we stay an hour or two we should be good. And I think the tree & rink are open until midnight this week."

"We have a flight at 6 am." She reminded him.

"Eww, we do. Umm, we'll sleep on the plane?" He said with a wink.

"Okay. As long as you're going to be my pillow." She said as she bumped his hip on her way out to gather her jacket and wallet.

"Have I ever not been?" He teased with a smirk.

"Umm, you tried to dip out on me last time remember?"

"Not fair, we had a whole plane, I figured you'd want to stretch out."

"Humph, whatever, point proved." She said as she went to put on her coat. He stopped her however and held it up for her, helping her slip her arms in. He slowly spun her around and then zipped her in.

"You sure you're alright?" He said as his hands rested lightly on her shoulders. She shuddered lightly giving him his answer without her having to even speak.

"I will be." She said as she gave him a weak smile. "It's my motto."

"Have fun, eat some shrimp for me." He said as he pulled her into him. She sunk directly into his body fitting perfectly against him.

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