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Disclaimer: This update is dark. Way darker than I've ever written before in many aspects. You all read that I touched briefly on rape in the last update. This one goes deeper into that. If these are things you are not okay with, please skip this.

Disclaimer 2: I want to remind everyone that this is completely a fictional story that I have made up in my head. I don't know what that says for my head however, I do not for one second believe that any of this happened to any of these characters. They are solely characters in the mini world I have created for them.

Now if you so choose to continue, enjoy, don't hate me, and have some tissues ready. Love you all.


This is a story that I have never told
I gotta get this off my chest to let it go
I need to take back the light inside you stole
You're a criminal
And you steal like you're a pro
All the pain and the truth
I wear like a battle wound
So ashamed, so confused
I was broken and bruised

"He asleep?" Sharna asked Val as he came into the living room from putting Shai down for the night.

"Yeah, it took a bit but he finally went out and let me put him down. Hopefully he stays out." Val said as he settled next to his girl. They were on their second night of 3 with baby Shai. The first night had been a bit rough considering it was the 6 month old's very first time away from his parents. He had woken up numerous times before they finally ended up just leaving him tucked between them. He had been much better through out today and had played and mostly been his normal self.

"If not, we'll just keep him again. I don't think it's worth fighting it otherwise. He's too little to understand." Sharna said as she let Val play with her fingers. She was nervous because she knew what she wanted to do now that Shai was asleep.

"I agree. I'm glad we decided to just stay here at their house. I think that part is making it easier on him."

"I think so too." Sharna said as she got lost in her thoughts.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked squeezing her fingers lightly as he noticed the spaced out look appear on her face. It was a look he hadn't seen in quite sometime.

"Mmm, can we talk....about....everything?" She asked as she absentmindedly spun the ring on her finger.

"We can do whatever you need princess. But you know we don't have to do this." He said as his thumb stroked the back of her hand lightly.

"I do. I need you to know. I told Peta it happened. I didn't go into any details because well I wasn't ready and Shai interrupted but she made me promise her to let you in. When I was ready that is. And I did because I realized she's right on something. She said for me to heal from this or move forward I have to talk about it and let you work on it with me. And she's right. I don't think I can do it alone anymore but I'm just scared." She said as her eyes met his for the first time since he came downstairs that night.

"I understand, and I would be scared too. But so if you want to do this, you tell me how you want to do it. I want you to feel as safe as possible. And you know, you're never alone anymore, I'm always with you. That's what this is a sign of." Val said as he reached over and tapped the engagement ring on her finger light. She gave him a weak smile because she trusted in it yet she didn't at the same time.

"Can we go to the sunroom?" She said softly. Ever since the night he had asked her to start dating him, it had sort of become their place at Maks and Peta's. She figured the ability to see the sky and have something to focus on may help.

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