Someone Somewhere Tonight

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Someone somewhere tonight
Is taking their first steps
Letting go of the hands that held them
And trusting themselves
While someone somewhere tonight
Is hearing their last rites
And hoping with all their might
That there's something else
Well, babe, lie down here beside me
And let's lie real still
And tell me you love me
And you always will

"Okay munchkin, you ready to go down the slide?" Sharna asked her nephew.

"Yes! Yes!" He said clapping happily. Sharna smiled and followed him over to the slide that he kept returning to. She was keeping the three year old that day because his parents had their ultrasound to see if Mr. Shai was getting a brother or a sister in the fall.

"Is the slide your favorite little man?" Sharna said as he reached out his hand to hold hers.

"Yes! Zoom." He giggled. He started up the steps as she stood behind him. She waited until he was safely at the top and sitting before she went to move to the bottom. However before she got there to catch him, someone else grabbed him.

"Hey!" Sharna yelled immediately.

"Sharna!" Shai yelped immediately.

"You don't fucking pick up other people's kids. Now give him to me." Sharna said moving to go after the person. She looked around quickly for anyone who could help however everyone who had been in the park seemed to have disappeared.

"That's where you're wrong. I do and I won't. Told you I'd be back for you." The person said making Sharna's blood run cold. The person lifted their head and she could finally see their eyes.

"Give him back." Sharna repeated with a hard shake to her voice. She knew she didn't sound very convincing.

"Oh hell no. He's mine.  I told you, you were going to pay for everything you little bitch. He's mine now. He's the last one." Paul said in a seething voice.

"Sharnaaaaaaa." Shai wailed trying with everything in him to get to his aunt.

"What do you mean?" Sharna said as the last sentence Paul had said resonated in her.

"Hush." Paul said looking at Shai with a glare. Shai stopped screaming for Sharna however his tears continued.

"Give him to me. He'll be calm with me at least." Sharna pleaded.

"Why so you can run? Oh hell no. Helllll no." Paul said moving closer and grabbing Sharna's wrist with such force that she thought it was going to snap.

"Give him to me." Sharna repeated pushing the pain out of her mind. She had to focus on Shai. She needed to get him safe.

"No! Now walk!" He said dragging them both. He got them to his car and shoved her in before more or less throwing Shai into her lap.

"Shhhh, it's okay munchkin, I have you now. You're safe. Aunt Sharna will keep you safe." Sharna repeated over and over as Shai clung to her, his sobs increasing.

"Make him shut up!" Paul yelled as he got in the driver's side.

"I'm trying. Maybe if you wouldn't have scared the hell out of him, he wouldn't have been panicking like this." Sharna snapped.

"You're gonna pay for that one bitch. You'd think you'd have learned to respect me. Maybe I'll make you be the one who does the final one." Paul sneered.

"What are you talking about?" Sharna said again.

"You'll find out soon enough bitch." Paul snapped once more before returning to the road. Sharna opened her mouth but her maternal instincts kicked in and she  started to calm Shai. She also was intent on keeping him safe considering they were both just chucked into a backseat. She eventually calmed Shai to the point that he wasn't scream sobbing and just clutching her body. It was then that they pulled into a building.

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