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And I remember that fight, two-thirty a.m.
Cause everything was slipping right out of our hands
I ran out, crying, and you followed me out into the street
Braced myself for the goodbye,
Cause that's all I've ever known
Then, you took me by surprise
You said, "I'll never leave you alone"

"Princess, are you positive this is what you want to do?" Val asked looking at his girlfriend as they prepared to leave their home or well his home for the evening. After 6 months of dating, things were going pretty good between the two. Since Val was basically on his own with Maks and Peta having baby Shai, he and Sharna had made some pretty huge decisions right off the bat. She kept her place in LA while he got one in NYC. Since they both had duties in both places, it was the most realistic. And now that they were officially together, they very rarely slept apart unless they had to.

"Yes! Oh my goodness, I wish you two would stop asking me that. I'm good. We all had dinner last night. This is a perfect evening for me. I promise." Sharna said turning to look at Val with her hands on her hips.

"Whoa. Just checking sassy." Val said moving over to kiss her.

"You've just checked 8 times in the past 3 hours." She said with a swat to his chest as she leaned up to kiss him as well.

"It's your birthday. And we're going to babysit. I love my godson but I just feel like I should be taking you out or we should be at dinner or something." Val said with a tiny pout.

"But this is what I want to do. I want to go and play with Shai and snuggle him up and enjoy his happiness and then after he's asleep I want to snuggle up with you. Val these past two years have been some of the worst of my life with the exception of you and everything. I don't want anything big. This, tonight, is honestly perfection in my mind."

"Alright then, let's go to your perfection. We just won't tell Peta that she wasn't a part of the perfection." Val said kissing her nose and walking away.

"Val!" Sharna yelled laughing as she chased him to the front door.

"Teasing, teasing." He said as he reached for her hand to lead her out to the car. They got situated and then made the 15 minute drive to Maks and Peta's.

"There's my favorite handsome man." Sharna crooned as soon as they walked into the house. She immediately stole her godson off of Maks and snuggled him up.

"Hello to you too." Maks said laughing. "P, they are here!"

"Babe!" Peta said squealing as she appeared at the bottom of the stairs. Maks and Val both shook their heads considering the girls had just seen each other last night when they went to dinner for Sharna's birthday.

"P!" Sharna said in response as they hugged tightly with Shai smushed between them. He eventually gave a grunt of displeasure.

"Ohhh, sorry baby. You were stuck in a Momma, Aunt Sharna hug." Peta said scooping up her baby. Shai giggled in response as he clucked his tongue in response to his mother's words. He then snuggled into her neck.

"Ohhh, someone is turning into a cuddle monster." Sharna said as she rubbed his back.

"It's his new thing. He'll reach up for us if he's laying or sitting and then he curls into us too now." Maks said as he moved behind his wife.

"Starting him off right being sweet I see." Val said as he looped his arm around Sharna's shoulder.

"That's right. Momma's little man will be a sweetheart." Peta said intensely as she looked at Val.

"Whoa Momma Bear, I think it's a good thing." Val said putting his hands up in surrender making Maks and Sharna laugh.

"We aren't making my baby a tough boy. Come on Shar, let me show you everything." Peta said dragging her best friend out to the kitchen. She began rambling about Shai's schedule, his habits, his likes, his dislikes, everything.

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