Where You Lead

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Where you lead, I will follow
Anywhere that you tell me to
If you need, you need me to be with you
I will follow where you lead 

"I'm over being patient babe." Val said one night while they were laying in bed.

"I am too but I don't think we have a choice. We can't just make random babies be parent-less for us to steal." She said from her place on his chest. He cracked up at her analogy. "What?! It's the truth."

"I know, it just sounded funny coming out like that." He said as he shifted and tucked her into his neck.


"You don't think we should change our age range do you?" He asked in a more serious tone this time. Two months ago, they had gotten the call they had been waiting for. They were approved for both adopting and fostering which would help their chances of getting a child quicker. Once they got through all the red tape, they were given the chance to put their preferences in as far as what they were preferring in a child. It freaked Val out at first. He said that it was like they were shopping for a child which wasn't fair because it wasn't the way the world worked. So after some discussion, they kept their preferences to an absolute minimum. They were looking for a child under the age of 1, either gender, any race, and they weren't against any medical issues either known or unknown. They also said that while they were preferring to stay in the US this time, they weren't completely against international adoption.

"It's only been a month since they put us on the list. This being patient thing sucks but I think we just need to wait longer. If it's been 6 months, then we should open our options to maybe up to 2." Sharna said internally cringing at what was to be Val's reaction.

"6 months!" He whined making her giggle.

"I know, but there's some things we can do in the meantime." She said.

"Like what? We can't buy or get anything. We don't know what we're getting or what size or anything."

"No, we don't but we know we would prefer a baby so we can prepare. We can decorate a room, buy furniture, that kind of stuff."

"Not if we don't know the gender."

"We'll do a gender neutral room. Or do the basics in neutral colors and we can expand as things go forward."

"What if it doesn't work out?" Val said softly as he pressed into her hair.

"Babe." She said softly pulling back to look at him.


"We can't think like that. We just have to be patient. We made it this far, we'll make it the rest way. If it's meant to be, it'll work out."

"Look at you being the positive one." He said kissing her softly.

"I can rock it when I need to." She said with a smirk.

"You are always positive, sometimes it's just hiding." He said tucking her back into his chest.

"Meh, I'll let you keep thinking that." She teased as she yawned.

"You are. You're my strong, brave, positive girl. And sleepy." He said laughing as he pressed a kiss to her head.

"Sleepy is right." She murmured snuggling in.

"Go to sleep princess. I love you." He said rubbing her back.

"I love you too." She said drifting off.

The following evening after dinner was done and the two were relaxing, Val brought up the room again.

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