Better Place

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**Disclaimer, the middle comes with an R Rating...skip it if you don't like that :) :)

I see the whole world in your eyes
It's like I've known you all my life
We just feel so right
So I pour my heart into your hands
It's like you really understand
You love the way I am

And ah ah ah ah ah, you're my favorite thing
Ah ah ah ah ah, all the happiness you bring
But it feels like I've opened my eyes again
And the colors are golden and bright again
And the sun paints the skies and the wind sings her song
It's a better place since you came along
It's a better place since you came along 

"Alright sugar, let's see if you can do this." Sharna said standing Bella up by the sofa for probably the 10th time that day. Bella had been showing signs that she was going to be walking soon and Sharna was determined to witness it.

"Ahhh!" The little one shrieked in delight as Sharna moved a few steps away.

"Come on baby, come see mommy." Sharna said holding her arms out to the little one. Bella bounced slightly and giggled but the second she let go of the couch, she plopped directly on her butt and scrambled to her mother.

"Princessssss." Val said laughing from the hallway. Sharna had been working on this with Bella all day and he had been teasing her all day.

"Maybe we shouldn't go tonight. What if...." Sharna said tickling Bella as she scrambled away to find one of her balls.

"Babe, we're going. We need an us night. This is our Valentine's Day. She's going to be fine with Maks and P." Val said sitting behind Sharna and wrapping his arms around her. She leaned back into them as Bella came rushing back to the two wanting in on the cuddle session.

"Mamamamama. Ug! Dadadadadada" Bella chirped as she climbed up Sharna.

"Come here love bug." Sharna said cuddling her up tightly. "What if she walks tonight Val, I don't want to miss it."

"I don't either princess but we can't stop life because it might happen. She'll do it when she's ready. And honestly, I don't think it's going to be Maks, Peta, or Shai's main goal tonight. They are going to be so focused on playing that I doubt the last thing that they'll be doing is seeing if she can walk."

"What if she misses us? She's never been away from us for that long. And never at bedtime." Sharna said as Bella turned around and curled back into Sharna, playing with her ball and Sharna's hands.

"Then they'll call us. She loves being with them. We're dropping her off right before dinner. And we'll pick her up first thing in the morning. If she gets upset, we'll go get her. We're only 10 minutes away with the exception of dinner."

"You aren't worried about being away from her?"

"Yes, babe, of course I am. But I know how worried you are. I also know she's ready. She knows she's loved, she's not been having her anxiety moments anymore. She knows she's safe. As much as we need this, she needs this too. It'll show her that even if we go away we come back." Val said as he ran his fingers through Sharna's hair.

"Maybe if you told me where dinner was, I would be calmer." She said with a smirk. Whenever he had come up with the idea of the Valentine's Day date and convinced Sharna to be on board, he took charge of the planning and therefore additionally kept it all a secret. She had been trying to squeeze it out of him for days on end.

"Princess! You're not using our daughter to swindle the location of tonight's dinner out of me are you??" He said tickling her, including Bella as well. Her giggles filled the air mixed with her mother's making Val's heart swell.

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