The Fighter

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For marbouto7 thank you for suggesting this song, I've honestly fallen in love with it and it figt perfectly into the story right here.  ❤️

And for my s_brito thank you for saving me as usual. Half these stories wouldn't have been here without you. 💜💖

I wanna believe that you got me baby
I swear I do from now until the next life
I wanna love, wanna give you all my heart

Val woke the next morning to a Sharna pressed back into his chest. Her head was curled up on her arm with her red curls sprayed across her and the bed. Her knees were tucked up into her body with her other arm tucked into her chest. Val chuckled at her position considering just how curled into herself she was but also she kept her back pressed into his. She kept herself touching him someway through the whole night whether it was this or her foot against his leg, a hand on his chest, she kept the two of them together in some way.

"Rose." She mumbled in her sleep as she twisted some. Val leaned up and brushed some of the hair out of her face as he pressed his lips to her shoulder.

"It's okay sweetheart. It's okay." He murmured as his fingers continued to thread through her hair. She relaxed after a few moments and burrowed into the bed as her body pressed into his a little more.

"Hmmmm." She hummed this time in her sleep. He slipped his arm around her waist drawing her all the more closer to him as his fingers kept up their rhythm in her hair hoping to keep her asleep for as long as possible. Last night had been hell on the both of them, while he was glad she had finally let him in and told him everything, the fact that she now had lived through this twice was crushing to him. He wanted nothing more than to cocoon her in a bubble and let nothing hurt her ever again. He felt his head start to spin on everything she told him and he felt a lump build up in his throat that he couldn't push away.

"Why?" He muttered softly as he felt the tears well up in his eyes. Minus when she had told him that she had miscarried the baby he had held it together. He knew he needed to. She needed someone to lean on in life and he needed and wanted to be that person for her. However, it was weighing on him and he felt his emotions get the best of him and tears began to slip out of his eyes. His body began to shake with silent sobs and he realized he needed to move away before he woke her up.

"Val?" She murmured as he started to pull away.

"Bathroom." He tried to mumble but she had felt him shaking and knew better. She flipped quickly and reached for his hand stopping him.

"Babe." She whispered when she caught sight of his tear stained cheeks.

"I'll be right back." He murmured wanting to shield her from witnessing his pain in the whole situation. He just wanted to be strong for her.

"No, this is about everything. Stay with me." She said tugging on his hand gently. She kept her grasp on his fingers and wriggled her body closer to him.

"I....I'm supposed to protect you." He said as the tears began to slip down his cheeks. He just looked at her with this lost look.

"You do. Every single day of my life. You've been the best protector that anyone could have ever asked for. I wouldn't have made it this long without you."

"I want to fix it. I want to go back in the past and change it all." He said finally shifting his body completely so that she could see the defeated look on his face.

"Come here." She pulled again and this time he came. He laid down beside her and curled into her body. His legs entwined with hers as he buried into her. She wrapped her arms around his body holding him as tightly as she could as her fingers brushed back and forth on his back. He pressed his cheek into her heart as he felt the familiar beating fill his mind. Normally it would be settling but for some reason that morning it just made everything in him swell up.

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