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Hold, hold on, hold on to me
'Cause I'm a little unsteady, a little unsteady
Hold, hold on, hold on to me
'Cause I'm a little unsteady, a little unsteady

The days following the appointment with the doctor were complete hell for the couple. Sharna went from doing so good to being completely silent and then at times almost manic. Val wasn't sure what to do with her because minus the initial breakdown, she wouldn't let him near her. The most interaction they had was during the nights when her body would instinctively move towards his. He wouldn't admit it to anyone but he would always wait until she was touching him before letting sleep over take him when it could. Peta had tried her best to help as well but she didn't have any luck either. She was always met with the same silence or a question to do something different. Sharna refused to talk, dwell, or deal with anything that was going on at the moment.

That Friday was no different as Sharna sat on the back porch staring out into the cloudy skies. It was a gloomy day which was fitting for her mood. Val came to find her to see if she wanted to go with him to Maks and Peta's.

"Princess, I have to had to Maks's to grab some stuff for production for the shows for the studios. Do you want to come with me? He said that P and Shai were taking Balto for a walk so Shai could practice on his tricycle." He watched her hopefully. He had a good feeling today was going to be a silent day however he was praying he was wrong. He missed his girl and after the news she was all he wanted. He understood where her mind was but at the same time, he just wanted her as well. His response was a shake of her head as she pulled her knees up and curled into herself.

"I love you. I'll be back soon." He said accepting her answer for what it was. The one thing that was constant was that if she was like this, pushing her did absolutely not good. He walked over to press a kiss to her head before he headed out.

The moment Sharna felt Val's presence leave she fell apart into a mess of tears. She maintained what composure she could while he was around until that became too much so she threw herself into whatever she could. Cleaning, blog articles, designing, art projects, anything. She would then become so exhausted that she'd drag herself to bed and fall into a dreamless restless sleep. However the moments when she was alone, she let it go. She let the pain and hurt from the news she heard over take her body until she would fall asleep. This was exactly what she did, once the tears passed, she was met with the restless sleep. However this time it was not dreamless.

Sharna was walking along the beach looking for something. She couldn't figure out why she was looking for but at the same time the sounds and smells of the ocean were so calming. The sky and weather did not agree. She could feel the waves crashing angrily against her feet and she could see the sky turning darker and darker. She knew she should head back in towards the house but some could see someone further down the shoreline and she knew she needed to continue. The closer she got the more that she could see it was a little girl, all alone.

"Hey, hey, are you here alone? Where are your parents or whoever is watching you? You need to get away from the water before the storm comes." Sharna said as she approached the small girl.

"You found me." A magical voice said as the child turned around making Sharna gasp. She was looking directly into eyes that matched hers as well as nose and freckles that were exactly like hers. The sandy brown locks were a perfect combination of Sharna's natural blonde mixed with Paul's brown.


"Hi mommy. I knew you'd find me." The little girls arms wrapped around her waist as she clung to Sharna.

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