The Reason Why

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I could love you
Baby, if you want me to
I could go and fall for you
And never even try, hey, hey

"Hey buddy, let's let Momma sleep for a little longer." Sharna said the morning of the wedding. She had been up for a little while in partial excitement and in partial nerves. She saw Shai waking up and moved over to him before Peta woke up too. The girls had hung out for awhile after the rehearsal dinner was over last night before they all retired to their rooms. Since they were doing the wedding at the beach, the place they were staying at was a huge villa. That night after the wedding, Sharna and Val would move to a suite on the far side of the villa before going to their honeymoon in Africa.

"Sha-na, milk?" He whispered sleepily as he reached for her. They were going to give Shai to Maks to keep however, Sharna decided that since she wasn't going to have Val, she'd keep her second place calming mechanism. She had only had one nightmare that night and it had been subtle.

"Yeah baby, we'll get your milk. Let's get you changed and then we'll go on the deck and you can watch the water okay?"

"Splash waves?" He asked her curiously.

"Yup, the splash waves. We can't go see them though, too cold." Sharna said. Since the wedding was in May and on the east coast, the weather was beautiful spring weather however definitely not swimming beach weather.

"El-phan, come too?" He asked as he let her change him before reaching for her again. Sharna loved how snuggly he was especially in the mornings. She cherished any moment that she got to enjoy that with him.

"He can come. Let's get your milk and then Mr. Elephant." Sharna said standing and keeping Shai on her hip. She grabbed his milk out of the fridge and his fruit packet before grabbing Mr. Elephant and heading to the deck. The wind was a little chilly so Sharna grabbed the blanket they had left out last night and wrapped it around them.

"Waves, splash loud, sha-na." Shai said as he snuggled into her. His tiny arm wrapped around his elephant while gripping Sharna's hand. His other held his sippee of mil.

"They do splash very loud don't they." She said pressing a kiss to his hair.

"Yea." He said mesmerized as he fell silent, content to be snuggled into his aunt.

"You ready to be my ring bear today buddy? Are you going to bring Uncle Val and I the rings?" She asked.

"Mmhmm." He nodded.

"I can't believe I'm marrying your Uncle Val today buddy. I never thought this day would come. All those times I told you that your momma and daddy had this great love, I never thought I'd find it. I thought I was going to just be an Aunt Sharna for forever."

"An Sha-na?" Shai asked looking at her.

"That's me baby. But then, your uncle Val appeared. He was always there though but I never even put two together. When he asked me to give him a chance, I was so scared. He was my best friend and I couldn't lose that. But the second I let it go, it was just right. I found myself falling more in love with him every single day. It didn't even take effort on my part as soon as I let his love in. Sure I was scared and we had a lot of hurdles but we got there. You'll get there too. Not for a really really long time though. No one is allowed to break your heart okay?" Sharna said leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek however realized he was asleep.

"I see I'm so interesting." She said laughing as she pulled him in and just enjoyed her snuggles before the hecticness of the best day of her life commenced.

I could let you in
Baby, where nobody's been
Yeah, I'm ready and willing
To give this love a try, hey, hey

On the other side of the Villa, Val had been awake for quite some time as well. All the other guys were still asleep, most of them snoring. He tried to fall back to sleeping knowing the day was going to be busy but all the excitement was flowing through him and he gave up.

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