The Sound of Silence

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"Fools," said I, "You do not know:
Silence, like a cancer, grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you.
Take my arms that I might reach you,"
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence.

"Okay, mommy doesn't feel good so we have to be gentle." Val said softly as he carried Bella to his bedroom with Sharna.

"Mommy yucks?" Bella asked.

"Yes, she feels yucky." Val said as he pushed Bella's hair out of her eyes. She had just woken up from her nap and had immediately asked for Sharna. Sharna had woken up that morning feeling pretty miserable so Val had told her to spend the day in bed while he kept Bella.


"You can give her hugs. I'm sure she'd love that." Val answered as he pushed open the bedroom door. Sharna was tucked into the covers on Val's side of the bed. Her red locks spread across her face and the pillow.

"Mommy." Bella whispered softly as she curled into Val.

"Princess." Val said just as softly as he settled next to Sharna on the bed. He was careful to keep Bella in his arms until he knew his wife was awake.

"Val?" Sharna said groggily as she reached out for him. He slipped his hand into hers and left her hold on.

"Right here princess. You have a tiny visitor though. Someone wanted to see her mommy for a bit." He explained. Sharna's eyes opened and she saw Bella watching her carefully.

"Ohh, come here sugar. Did you miss me today?" Sharna asked as she moved to sit up but winced at a cramp in her stomach. Val moved Bella beside him so Sharna didn't have to go so far. She was timid at first as she took in Sharna but then moved over and curled up into her.

"Miss you." She whispered as she held her mother tightly. It was honestly the first time since she had been there that she had witnessed either of them sick. Even when she was a baby neither of them had gotten a cold or anything. And despite her protests that she was "okay," Val could see she really wasn't as well.

"I missed you too sugar. Do you wanna stay with me for a while? Maybe daddy will watch a movie with us." Sharna suggested. She had slept pretty much all morning and while she felt like she could still sleep she knew it was important for Bella to get some time in with her especially since she seemed worried and scared of the situation.

"BB?" She said pointing at the tv and then herself. They had shown her Beauty and the Beast shortly after her first birthday and she realized that her name and Belle's name were basically the same. It had quickly become the most requested movie in the house.

"We can watch Beauty and the Beast." Sharna said as she looked up at Val.

"Here, I'll put it on and then come cuddle you too. Real one or Cartoon Bells?" Val asked holding up the two boxes which had become a staple in the family's life.

"Oon." She said pointing to the cartoon box. Val got it in and headed back to the bed. He settled next to Sharna and helped her flip over before getting Bella situated as well.

"How are you?" He finally asked Sharna once the movie started and Bella was immersed.

"My stomach hurts and I feel like I could sleep for a month but otherwise." She shrugged.

"Hurts like pain or like I'm gonna be sick."

"More's weird but not constant. Almost like cramps. A little nauseous at times but only because I think the pain is working against me."

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