I Won't Let Go

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I will stand by you
I will help you through
When you've done all you can do
If you can't cope
I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight
I will hold you tight
And I won't let go 

"I don't know why you haven't figured this out quite yet. I don't really like you and I never will. This is over Sharna. You and your ridiculous sob story are pathetic. Goodbye."

Sharna awoke with a gasp and sat straight up in bed. Tears filled her eyes as the memories of the dream came back to her.

"Hey, come here." She heard her fiancé's voice murmur into the darkness.

"Uh huh." Her head shook fiercely. He didn't push however and just sat up with her. He could see her body trembling slightly.

"Can I?" He said gently as his hand hovered directly over her spine. She hesitated for a moment before nodding her head. She stayed stiff as his hand coasted up and down her spine before she relaxed into his touch and he felt her stop shivering.

"I don't get it." She said softly to no one in particular.

"What princess?" Val asked gently sliding a little closer and brushing her hair out of her face.

"Why are they coming back?" She said turning to look at him.

"The nightmares?"

"Yeah." She nodded as her hand went to find his.

"I don't know baby, maybe because we're getting close to the wedding and so the stress and everything is throwing your brain for a loop." He suggested. It was the night before the rehearsal dinner, well the morning of, Val wasn't sure what time it was honestly. He just knew the rehearsal dinner was that night. Sharna's nightmares had appeared with a vengeance almost like clockwork at the beginning of this week. He had done everything he could to help however they kept coming back. She normally work up just like she had right now, scared or shaken to the core. He had learned to wait and let her realize she wasn't stuck in that moment anymore.

"It's supposed to be a happy time Val. Like seriously." She said frustrated.

"I know, come here. Come lay with me." He asked again. This time she moved and he pulled them down into the bed. He pulled her in close before wrapping the blankets around them.

"I just want them to stop. I was doing so well." She murmured as she buried into his chest cuddling tightly against him.

"You were, and you still are. I just...I think it has something to do with the wedding honestly. What happened this time?" Val asked.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Babe. You know I'll never make you but I can't help if I don't know." He said pressing his lips to her head.

"You left me. You told me you never loved me, and that I was pathetic and you left." She said as her body shook lightly.

"Princess. You know...."

"I know Val, I know. But when I'm in those dreams, it's as real as this is right now. There's not a clear line that says oh this is a dream and your brain is fucking with you. Once I'm awake, I'm fine, well once I realize it was a dream but it's frustrating as all hell."

"Maybe we should talk to someone." Val said gently. He was concerned about her and he was beginning to feel like he couldn't help her anymore. He wondered if it was time for someone with more knowledge.

"What like a shrink? Great you think I'm crazy too. Fuck, I don't want to go talk to someone who is going to make me feel like a lunatic." She said pushing away from him and moving out of the bedroom.

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