Where You Belong

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I know sometimes you're feeling lost
It's hard to find your place in it all
But you don't have to fear
Even when you mess up
You always got my love
I'm always right here
Oh cause, Anything come what may
Don't look back forget yesterday

"So we're positive she's good to go home. Or well to our house. Or well home. She's safe?" Sharna asked as she watched her husband cuddle Bella against him.

"Babe." Val laughed as he watched her. This was probably the 6th time she had asked Christine & Dr. Francis this question.

"What?! I don't want to get her home and then have her like I don't even know. I just want to be sure. I want her to be safe." She glared at him making Dr. Francis and Christine laugh this time.

"I know, I get it. But she's good. They've checked her, they've told us all the things that could happen, we're okay. She's going to be okay." He said shifting Bella so that she was on his chest but tucked under his chin. Her tiny hand fisted a piece of his shirt as she squirmed for a minute but then cuddled into him.

"I just...can you just say it one more time? Please?" Sharna said with a sigh as she looked defeated. Val decided to take pity on his girl and moved over next to her and slid his hand into hers before squeezing it gently. He felt her settle minimally but not much.

"From a medical standpoint she's doing great. All her tests and screenings have come back perfect. She's breathing on her own, eating, handling herself in all situations, she's doing good. Now with any infant or newborn there is the possibility of sickness or setbacks. Their immune systems are weaker and they are delicate. So just be mindful of her. Watch her cues and her behaviors you'll know if something is up." Dr. Francis said.

"I know you're scared that you're going to miss something but I can promise you both that as much as you think we're taking care of her, really as time has gone on, you guys have caught more and more. And it's not because we weren't diligent, it's because you know her. You know her normal and when her normal aren't in line, you ask something. There's going to be times you have questions and we're just a phone call away. We're more than happy to help when we can."

"Okay, I'm sorry. I know I'm being ridiculous. It's just she's little and fragile. And I want to keep her safe."

"Sharna, it's fine. It's normal. You're thinking exactly like a parent. Which is what you are, whether you know for sure that she's staying with you permanently or not, she's your baby right now. And we wouldn't expect anything less of any parent." Christine said as she moved forward and reached for Sharna's free hand. During the 4 month stay in the hospital, the group had gotten close. Christine & Caitlin had been Bella's nurse regularly with a few others mixed in. They had become like a second family to them.

"Thank you. I just want the best for her." Sharna whispered as her eyes filled with tears. Val let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulders supporting her.

"We know princess, we all do." He said as his thumb stroked her shoulder gently.

"Alright, we're good?" Dr. Francis said warmly smiling at the two. He had been a pediatrician for 27 years now and was well versed in NICU cases. He knew just how fragile the infants were as well as the parents. Seeing people like Sharna and Val with their love and protectiveness for Bella always warmed his heart.

"Princess?" Val asked wanting to make sure his wife was good first.

"I'm good." She nodded with a smile. It wasn't like she didn't want to take Bella home, she just wanted to be sure the timing was right.

"Alright, let me go sign off on her final discharge papers. You've already passed the carseat test and everything so it should only be about 25 minutes tops." Dr. Francis said as he headed out of the room.

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