Beautiful Mess

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**AN 1 - For those of you who missed my message, I've been missing alot because my family rescued a small woodland creature who was hurt. She's taken to me best so my evenings revolve around cuddles, bottle feedings, and focusing on her. It's taken alot of my writing time but I promise it'll come back. I'm getting small intervals but hopefully the updates are worth it. :) 

**AN 2 - I have been wanting to do an adopting story for forever. And with the story, I wanted to go into detail about the process and what actually goes on. With that being said, some of the pieces of the following chapters may be boring because they will be informative however, I promise there will still be the usual drama and Chmergess that everyone loves. I hope you all enjoy this as well. :) 

When the world shakes us

Trying to take us out of lineFear of tomorrowFeelings we borrow for a time

"So you guys have your meeting tonight?" Maks asked Val as they were in the gym working out.

"Yeah, we go at 5:30."

"And they just talk to you about how it's going to work?" Maks said handing his brother the bar to begin his sets.

"Yeah.....I think they just explain the process. Let us know what's expected, all the requirements, help sources, and just all that stuff. I think they do huge groups so we see support systems and so people can see if it's really what you want to continue with."

"So like a ride or die type of meeting." Maks said collecting the bar while they switched places so he could take his turn next.

"Pretty much, I mean, we've done all the research and everything so we kinda know what to expect but I think hearing it spoken and explained is going to be something different. I know Shar is worried because it's going to dredge everything up for the millionth time."


"No, basically we have to be interviewed, they do a home study, they'll probably speak to you and P. People at the studio."

"I mean that makes sense, they want to keep the kids safe. But that makes sense with Shar too. Girl can't catch a break. Every time she finds a way to sorta settle and deal with it, life throws it right back in her face."

"I just pray to god this works out. If this doesn't work, she's going to blame herself. She already thought the fact that we can't have kids was her own punishment. I honestly feel like this may be the last thing if this doesn't work."

"Why wouldn't it though? I mean it's hard and grueling but you're both great people. You don't have histories. You have both held jobs and been in the public eyes. There's more than enough evidence that supports the fact that you would make great parents. You're both great with Shai." Maks rambled as they both worked with smaller weights.

"Yeah, but it's more than that. We have to find a kid, we have to be ready when they are. We have to match them. It's this whole huge thing. And we would like to have an infant which they are harder to come by. It sounds mean but if we can't have one of our own, we'd like to at least have that experience. And then we intend to do this at least a few times, so in the future, we would look for an older child."

"Like a teen?"

"Well, maybe not a teen, but like older elementary. I just know initially we would like to aim towards as young as possible but like I said, they are everyone's desire so it's harder."

"Gotcha, well I believe it'll work out for you guys. You both deserve it and I know you would do wonderful with a child at any age. And Pete and I are here for you both as much as we can be. Anything we can do, you let us know."

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