Wrap Your Arms Around Me

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We're all fragile underneath
This coat of armour isn't thick or deep
When we break it's hard to hide
The way we hurt inside
When I come undone at the seams
My heart is on the floor for all to see
Do that thing that I need
Wrap your arms around me

"Babe, I'm going to cancel my meeting today." Val said as he looked down at his wife who was tucked into his lap.

"No, you can't. This was the important one for the next part of your clothing line and incorporating the new aspects. I'll be fine." Sharna protested weakly. For the past 3 days, Sharna had been fighting some type of stomach bug. Initially it was just an upset stomach but then had transpired to numerous trips to the bathroom as well as intense nausea. When she wasn't getting sick, she was trying to stop the nausea and attempting to sleep. Since she had been fighting it for so many days, she really wasn't eating either because she couldn't keep anything down.

"You've been sick for 3 days now. You've barely gotten out of this bed the past 2 and when you have, it's only been to be sick or if I carried you to the couch."

"I'll be fine. I'll sleep the whole time."


"Valentin. You have to go, it took forever to get this set up. If you skip it for me, I'll feel worse."

"Fine, but you're going to keep your phone with you at all times."

"Babe, I don't go anywhere." She said almost laughing. She literally had been confined to the bed or couch because she was so weak.

"Still, just promise me. I'm worried about you." He said as his fingers stroked through her hair.

"It's just a stomach bug babe. It's going to pass. But I promise. Now you need to go get ready."

"I have a little bit, why don't you try to sleep before I leave?" She had been sleeping better when she was near him. They weren't sure if it was his calm energy or just that fact that he was with her that was helping.

"Because I don't want to vomit at the moment so I'm kind of enjoying the temporary pause in this."

"Oh, do you want to try to eat something?" Val said hopefully.

"Uhh, let's not push it. Maybe when you're back home later."

"Fair enough. You want me to bring you anything home?" He said as he slid down and tucked her into his chest.

"Ice poles? And goldfish." She said almost immediately making him smile.

"I can handle that."

"Thank you." She whispered as she cuddled into his body. She was content to just lay there with him while she enjoyed the few moments that she was not feeling like she needed to vomit.

"So, I have a question."


"How would you feel about possibly designing a few pieces for the line?"

"Whoa, wait, are you serious?" Sharna said moving quickly so that she could look at him.

"Very. You have great taste. You've always like this sort of thing and I think it would be a great thing to get into together. And if you like it, we can keep doing it. I wanted to ask you before the meeting today because I want to present the thought to everyone today. But if you don't want to, I totally understand. I just know with everything going on, we haven't been doing a whole lot of work type things and while you absolutely do not have to. I thought this would give your mind a little something else to focus on besides everything else. And I don't know the creative side of it is always fun and immersing."

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