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Vics POV

He's so adorable. "I fu.cking love his hair." Mike says. I laugh. "Yeah it's really cool." Mike nods.
"But how is he not dying. It's like 4000 degrees outside." Mike says over exaggerating. I laugh at him. "I don't know. His file says he was born in New York." They nod. "How'd he get to California from New York?" I shrug. "Family moved? I don't know." They shrug. "How old is he?" Tony ask looking at me. "He's thirteen but he skipped a grade so he's in eighth." They nod.
"So wanna watch a movie." We all nod. Tony and mike eye each other then both jump at the DVD player making a lot of noise. Tony wins and puts in Star Wars.
Max walks in rubbing his eyes. "Did we wake you up?" Mike ask. Max shakes his head. "No I had a nightmare." I pat the seat next to me and he walks over sitting down.
He puts his head on my shoulder.
"You okay bud?" He nods against my shoulder.
"Do you okay any sports?" He nods. "I played basketball at my school last year but some stuff happened and I quit the team. I also love to skateboard." We nod.
Tony smiles. "I skateboard too." He nods still keeping his head on my shoulder. Mike feels his head. "Your burning up bud." He shrugs. "I got math fever. Math sucks. I hate it." We laugh.
"No but seriously I feel like death." He closes his eyes and lays his head on my lap.
I smile and watch Star Wars for the 400th time but it's still a good movie no matter how many times tony makes us watch it.
I carry max to his bunk.
"Hey bro we should get some sleep. We're going to be in San Diego soon." I nod and to go my bunk. I hear snoring. Jaime's asleep.
So is tony and mike.
I only know cause Tony's arm is hanging outside of his bunk and mikes leg is hanging out of his. I laugh softly at them. I pull my phone out and look through twitter.
Kellin tweeted.

Kellinquinn: I miss my viccybear
Justinhills: @kellinquinn is running around yelling how he misses @piercethevic
Piercethevic: oh my god @justinhills @kellinquinn

I chuckle. Kellin is most likely drunk. I put my phone down and close my eyes.
I have a son.
And he's amazing.

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