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That's Carson^
Max's POV

Carson and me race to his house. Did I mention he's Jordan Fish's son. He's adopted. Carsons Canadian so that's the platinum hair. I beat him and run in to see Jordan and Oli in a heated make out session. Me and Carson cough. They jump apart. "Well hi Jordan, Oli." Me and Carson say laughing. Jordan picks up Carson and Oli picks me up. Us both dying laughing.
"So how are you max?" Jordan ask. I smile. "good." I'm good right now cause Carson's here but i also want to die.
It's complicated.
Carson pulls me up to his room and puts on a grey tank top. I sit on his bed. He sits next to me. "How are you really?" I shrug. "Well if your going to tell me your fine I'll just point out all the bruises and scars." I sigh sadly.
"Stop worrying so much Carson." He throws his hands in the air. "I can't Max. I can't stop worrying so much." I look down.
He punches the wall making me jump back. "I care to much that's the problem."  I stand up and push him against the wall.
Slowly I start kissing him. But something surprises me.
He starts kissing back.

Adopted by Vic FuentesWhere stories live. Discover now