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Vics POV

We all go back to the bus and I open the curtain to Max's bunk. He's not wearing a shirt but he's sweating a lot. "Mike!" Mike walks in and picks him up. "He's really hot." I try waking him up. "He won't wake up." Tony picks him up. "Its turtle baby." Max squeezes his eyes tighter then opens then. "Dadddy." I pull him to my chest. "I don't feel good." I feel his head. "Your burning up." Sweat rolls off his chest and he closes his eyes. "I feel like I'm in a fucking desert!" He coughs. "Jaime get come ice:" Jaime goes to the kitchen and comes back with a small bag of ice. I put it on his head and he curls into my chest.
He falls asleep.
"Were all of you in on it?" Mike nods. "That's where he was that night. Setting this up with Kellin." I nod and he stands up. Guess he woke up. "I feel better but I'm tired." He goes to his bunk and I hear the faint sound of his music.
He looked really sick.
Mike hugs me tight and I hug him back. I go to my bunk.
I'm engaged to the love of my life.

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