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That last chapter hurt
Max's POV

I wake up to vic shaking me. "H-hey dad." He smiles. I stand up. "I have to go to school." He sighs. "If you don't want to." I shake my head confused of what he meant. "No I'll go." He walks out.
I remember what happened last night. Tears roll down my face but I just wipe them away. Me not caring anymore I just put on a grey hoodie and black joggers. I put on my glasses.
I grab my backpack, phone then walk downstairs.
Mike looks at me. "Can you take me to school uncle mike." He nods. "If you need me just call me okay." I nod. He takes my hand and we get in the car.

I get out and walk into the school. I have the same schedule so I go to math.
I get slammed into the wall. "Heard your idiot brother crashed last night. You should follow him and die." I walk to math with tears in my eyes.
I go straight to the back.

Next class I go to history

Then get beat up

Then art

Then beat up

Then lunch

I get food dumped on me

Then I go to gym. Well skip.

Last class I go to chemistry.
"And as you can see the theory is confirmed." I have no idea what she was talking about but I didn't care.
I want to die.
I don't want to live.
The bell rings signaling schools over.
I walk out of the class.

I go to leave when Luke and Adam stop me. "Daily beating." I nod. "Wait you want this?" I nod. "I deserve it." Adam kicks me.
After many punches and kicks they leave. I get up and walk home crying.
I just want Mitch.
I walk through the front door. I just lay on the floor by the door. "Are you okay?" Tony ask walking over. I sit up. "Do I look okay?" I ask softly. He picks me up taking me to the bathroom. He starts cleaning my face.
"I want to die. I want Mitch." He shakes his head. "No buddy." I close my eyes.
He picks me up taking me to the living room.
My dad gasp. "What happened to your eye?" I look at him. "Luke and Adam. There bullies at my school." He sighs. "I'm fine dad." It's a lie.
I'm not fine.
"Your not fine max." I close my eyes. Mike walks over. "How about we go out. Go to the park." I nod. Jaime walks over and puts me on his back. I lean my head on his back. Tony rubs my back. I sit down on a bench.
Vic immediately grabs my wrist and pulls up the sleeve sighing. "Max...." I look down.
"I just want mitch." Mike sits next to me. "It'll be okay bub." I shake my head. "It won't." I get up and start running. I don't know where but somewhere.
My dad text me.

Dad: where are you
Me: I'll be home later I promise
Dad: okay...

I end up at the only persons house I could go to.
I knock on the front door.
"Max what are you doing here??" I look down. "Is Austin here?" He nods and pulls me in. "Babe Max is here." Austin walks downstairs. "Max what are you doing here?" I look down.
"How did you cope when your mum died." He sat next to me. "Well try not to dwell on it to much bud. It'll hurt more. Think about all the good memories and not the bad ones. It'll be okay." I nod slowly.
He grabs my hand. "Is this about Mitch?" I nod. "I don't think I like my birthday anymore." He hugs me and so does Alan.
Austin walks away for a minute and comes back with two wrapped boxes. "Mitch dropped off a present for you the other day. Me and Alan also got you one." I open the one from Austins and Alan first.
They got me a framed picture of me and Austin hugging when I met him. I smile. "Thanks guys." They hug me and Austin hands me the other gift.
I slowly open it to find a suicide silence backpack and Mitch's old journal.
I start crying and curl up into Alan's arms.
"Shhh it's okay max." I just try to control my breathing and I slowly do.
He smiles. I put the picture and the journal in the backpack.
"Hey cashby can you guys drive me home?" I ask. The smile and laugh. "Come on." I nod.

I get in the car and they drive me home. As soon as I walk through the door I'm tackled into the wall by a hug. "Your okay." I smile. "I was just with Austin and Alan." My dad smiles. "I love you dad." He nods. "I love you too."
I lay down.

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