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Vics POV

I get up with a raging headache. I walk downstairs to see all the guys looking frantic. "What's going on?" Mike faces me looked worried. "Max's gone. His phone, backpack and some of his clothes are gone." I look down.
"I was called last night. Alex got in a car accident." They all sadly. My phone rings.

(T-tyler, V-Vic)
T "hey Vic."
V "hey tyler why you calling."
T "well you Know how Blake is Max's best friend?"
V "yes...."
T "well last night. Well more like this morning max showed up.
V "so your telling me that max flew from San Diego to Ontario!?"
T "um yeah."
T "I have to go blakes calling me."
V "bye."

Oh my god. "Max is in Ontario!" Mike sighs. "I already booked a plane." I nod thankful for my nosy little brother.
I text max.

Vic: max why'd you leave.
Max: well maybe because the love of my life is going to die!
Vic: I'm your dad.
Max: and I'm 18
Vic: I'm sorry please

I don't get an answer after that. "It's time to go. The hotel is booked to." I nod grabbing my bag. It's only me and mike going. Tony's sad cause he's going to miss his boyfriend but I need to get my son back.

We just landed in Ontario so we're walking to tyler and Josh's when I see the familiar mop of pink hair. "Hey josh." He turns to us. "Hey guys guessing you here for max?" We nod. "He's at our house but it might be hard finding him. He found out you guys are coming and he's hiding in either tyler and mine or blakes room." We nod and we all start walking. I see a figure like Max's run into there house dropping his skateboard.
"I have a feeling max just went somewhere." We nod and run inside.
I see tyler banging on a door upstairs. "He and Blake locked themselves inside." Me and mike run up.
I hear silent crying so I knock gently. "Max, Blake. It's Vic." The door opens a crack and blakes face appears. He looks like tyler but caught Josh's love for hair dye. He puts his finger to his lips and slips out.
"He's not talking to anyone. When he got here he texted me everything. I don't think he's talking." I sigh and walk in kneeling in front of my crying son. He may be 18 but he's still my kid.
He curls away from me.
Blake, tyler, josh and mike go downstairs.
"Talk to me." He looks down. "There taking him off of life support in 2 days." He sobs into my chest. "Wanna go home?" He nods and we stand up. He grabs my hand.
He looks terrible.
He has bags under his eyes, there red and puffy, he's also wearing a heavy jumper.
We walk downstairs and he grabs his bag. He runs over to tyler and Blake hugging them tight. He walks back over to me and mike but doesn't say anything.
"You know that was stupid of you to
Come out here." I say as we get to the airport. He looks down nodding.

I tried sitting next to him on the plane but he wouldn't sit next to me so now he's next to mike. He just keeps looking out the window and then at his phone.
We finally get back to San Diego. Ontario and San Diego have a different time zone so it's 1pm here. Max won't talk to us. I don't know why but it's probably cause his boyfriend is dying. "I'm going to uncle petes." He loves Pete. "Okay."
It's Pete wentz if your confused.
He loves Pete and Mikey. Mikey and Pete got married last year and it made max happy cause he loves them. 

I'm texting Pete to make sure max is there.
Vic: is max there?
Pete: he left like 40 minutes ago
Oh no then where is he. "Pete just said max left 40 minutes ago." Mike sighs. "He either snuck into his room or he's out." It's like 9pm now so max was at Petes for a while but he should be home. I hear the front door be closed gently so I decide to hide behind a wall  and see mikes hiding behind the couch. It's max.
But he's not wearing a shirt and it looks like someone beat him up but then I see he's smoking a cigarette. He throws it outside and runs upstairs. "I saw you dad and mike." He calls from his room.
He comes back down wearing a shirt. "What happened?!?" I demand but he just shrugs. Mike walks over to him and looks him in the eyes. "Were you smoking pot!" He shrugs again. "Max give me a straight answer!" Mike demands with venom. Max seems to shake out of his state. "W-Wha." Mike rubs his face. "What the fuck happened to you?!" Max shrugs. "I was smoking?" It sounded more like a question.
"I thought you stopped." Tony said from behind mike. "I did. Did." I sigh. "What am I gonna do with you send you to rehab!" I yell. He flinches. "Sometimes I need to smoke okay. I've lost my brother, my best friend and now my boyfriend!" He yells then runs upstairs.
I run after him. I walk into his room. "Max." He looks at me.
He's not even crying.
"Leave me alone Vic." I won't lie that did hurt. He takes his shirt off and his pants putting on a tank top and basketball shorts.
"I'm going out." I grab his arm forcefully stoping him. "No." He pushes me off of him and walks downstairs. "Let go Andy!" I Forgot Andy biersack is here.
I walk downstairs to see max struggling in Andy's grip, mike and tony watching from the kitchen. "Let me go." Max is stronger then Andy. So why isn't he trying.
"Max I know you. Your stronger than Andy. Your not trying." Max looks down and Andy looks down.
Max looks at me then sprints to the door running out.
"Ugh. That kid is so much."

Hours later Austin walks in holding max who's passed out. "Max was at the hospital and Levi called me." It's 2am now so I'm the only one awake.
"He looks exhausted." He nods. "Alex is getting pulled in a hour. Max has been crying for the last 5 hours he's been there." I sigh and take Max from him. "He's only 18." Austin nods and I lay him in his bed.
I'm afraid he's going to do something bad next.

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