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That's Myla^
Max's POV

When I get home mike already cleaned the fire. "Why am I really here." He sighs.
"We called your school." I look down.
Oh no.
"You've been getting detention, skipping detention, skipping school, and your grades are failing." I sigh.
It's true but it's not the full story.
You see my friends Sam and Myla are my best friends and I got beat up and we ended up skipping. We skip because we either don't feel like dealing with people or just don't care. I got detention for various things: skateboarding into class, not paying attention, mouthing off etc. I may have gotten suspended but I just stayed with Myla at her house. Mylas amazing. She's like a sister to me.
She has long purple hair which she usually wears under a beanie or SnapBack.
Sam has reddish, pinkish hair and he always wears and SnapBack.
Sams dad is really nice and so is his mum.
Myla lives with her older brother Lain and her older sister Mika. Her parents were really religious and didn't like the fact she was gay. Yep she likes girls and me and Sam like guys.
I know Sam has a crush on me.
I guess I have one on him but it's small and I'm dating Carson.

I've been trying in school but the bruises on my skin keep adding up. So do the scars. I may have also started smoking cigarettes and sometimes weed.
He holds up a bag. Oh no. My weed.
"Why?" Is all he says. "I don't know." He sighs.
"Well if you can't give me an explanation I'm throwing it away and I'm telling your dad." I shake my head vigorously.
"Explanation or dad which one." There's not a good ones about the weed.
"It takes away my pain." He sighs and throws it away. "Start showing up in class and I won't tell your dad."
I won't.
"Okay I will." He smiles and I go upstairs.
I go up to my room and see Myla sitting on my bed crying. "He finally did it. He committed suicide. Overdosed on pain pills. Sams gone Max." I freeze. I start breathing heavy and I clutch my neck. I fall to my knees and start shaking viciously. I hear her yell "MIKE!" I start seeing spots and I squeeze my eyes shut and fall on my back shaking and gripping my neck.
It's like someone blocked the passage way to my lungs.
I hear mike run in.
"Max, baby breath." He calls me that to calm me down.
He moves my hands from my neck and holds my hands. I start trying to breath. He massages my neck softly and I gasp as air reaches my lungs.
I open my eyes.
Realization sets in. "H-he's gone." I whispers.
"Why is everyone fucking leaving!" I cry out into mikes chest. Myla walks over and holds me. "He wrote a note to you." I take it from her but just hold it. Myla stands up. "I love you Max. I'll see you tomorrow." I nod softly and she leaves.
"Please let me at least have a cigarette." He sighs.
He carries me downstairs and we walk outside to the backyard.
He hands me a cigarette and lights it.
"Just one." I nod and put it to my lips breathing it in then exhaling.
When I'm done I squash it with my shoe.
I feel numb.
Mike holds my hand.
"I won't tell them any one this okay?" I nod. "I can't believe he's gone." Mike kisses my forehead. Tony and Vic walk out to us.
"What up bitches." Tony says.
I show my best fake smile.
Vic smiles at me.
"How's your boyfriend." I roll my eyes.
"He's good." Vic and tony squeal. "Your dating." I flip them off.
"Can I just go to my room." Vic goes to say something but mike nods.
"Go ahead bud."
I run upstairs and collapse crying.
I don't know how much longer I can do this.

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