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Alex's POV

I don't get why everyone thinks I'm going to break up with Max. By everyone I mean Vic. It's like he hates me. But I'm the one holding Max while he cries into my chest.
I love him more then anything.
I've known him for four years, started liking him two years ago.
I just wish he wasn't so scared to open up to people.
He opens up to me.
I'm also his boyfriend.
I just wish his dad would like me because I really like his son.
Max starts shaking some more. "Babe I'm right here." He looks up at me through his tear stained eyes. "I will never leave you. I'll always be here." He smiles kissing me on the lips.
I kiss him back and he lays his head back on my chest. Jayy walks in. "Tony's here to pick you guys up." I nod and max stands up pushing past jayy. "He's upset." Jayy nods and I grab Max's hand.
We get to tony and he smiles sadly at us. What happened with the whole argument.
"Turtle what happened?" Tony sighs. He's driving and we're in the backseat. Max has a death grip on my hand. He's scared. "Your dad and mike got at it. Mike sent me to get you." Max looks at him scared. "What happened Tony?" Tony pulls into the driveway. "Your dad left. I don't know where he is but just come in." Max shoots out of his seat and runs inside with me and tony running after him.
He gets inside and sees mike. Mike has a huge bruise under his eye and a cut on his forearm.
Max punches the wall and I pull him into my chest. "What happened." No one answers him. He pulls away from me. "Someone tell me what happened!" Mike sighs. "I was arguing with him and he was a bit tipsy. I tried to calm him down so did jaime and tony. He just got angrier. He punched me, scratched me then he left." Max sighs into my chest. "I'm sorry uncle mike." Max is falling apart.

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