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A month later
Max's POV

Tours been amazing. It's fun to talk to all the bands. Sadly your will be over in another month.

Lynn runs on our bus. "Alex is chasing me." Alex runs on the bus tackling her. "Give me my phone." We all watch amused.
She shakes her head and he starts tickling her. There both only 18. Alex eventually gets his phone back and jumps on me. "It's almost your birthday!!!!!!!" I laugh nodding.
Tomorrow's my birthday.
Tony and Mike walk in. "Hey little one, babibski, Lynn." Mike says kissing tony.
Lynn and Alex leave.
My dad walks in looking dead. "You look like shit." He flips me off and I bite his finer standing up pulling off my shirt and taking one of mikes muscle shirts.
"Is that mine?" I nod. I grab my phone and walk to OMAMs bus.
Alan opens it. "Red hair friend!" I laugh. I dyed my hair red.
I walk in. Austin is playing some video game with tino. "Hey bud what's up?" I shrug.
"Well school starts the day we come back but I'm a senior so I guess that's good right?" Austin pauses the game. "It'll be good. I mean your 17 tomorrow almost a legal adult." I nod. Austin and Alan hug me. "Hey cashby I need my lungs." They laugh letting go of me. I smile and walk off the bus.
I go to mine well ptvs and see them all sleeping.
I then notice we're about to leave to go to the next venue and it's 1am. I sit on the couch and look at my phone. I have 2 text from an unknown number.

Unknownnumber: omg your so ugly and fat you make me Throw up.

Unknownnumber: no wonder your dad told me he didn't want you. Your worthless. Go die like your brother.

I start crying silently. Not even for him/her bringing Mitch up but because my dad told him/her he didn't want me. I try to calm myself down by looking at tweets. That didn't work. At. All.

Bandsgalore: omg your so fat. I feel bad for the cheeseburgers you eat.
Codyspiercingitup: @bandsgalore I know right. He should cut down to just 1 cheeseburger a day.

Markwhatever: you think your dad loves you? Ha your delusional.

I can't talk it I walk to my bunk trying not to sob so I don't wake anyone up and I grab my blade dragging it down my arms once I reach the bathroom. I make many cuts until I feel dizzy and stop so I don't pass out. I already keep passing out from lack of food. 
I go to my bed well bunk and lay down. I sigh closing my eyes.
Sleep finally comes.
Well nightmares filled my sleep. 

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