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Vics POV

Max runs to the bunk room. "What's going on?" Mike ask. Justin sits down. "I was walking back to our tour bus after the show and I was taking the long way. I saw him curled in a alley crying. He was raped again." I freeze and look down. I hear crying from Max's bunk. I walk over. "Hey baby calm down. It's me." His eyes slam open. He clings onto me. "Please don't leave me. Please." I hug onto him very tightly.
I bring him to the lounge and he closes his eyes on my shoulder. Justin left. Gabe was calling him.
Max keeps his eyes close but he's not asleep. His legs tucked into his chest. While his head is pressed against my chest. Mike sitting next to me and Tony's on the other side of him. Jaime's asleep. He fell after the show so he's really tired. Mike holds his hand. "I just want to die." He cries out.
I rub his back. Tony has him play with his hand and he calms down. "Can you talk to us now." He nods looking down. "Can I not talk about Kyle please." We nod. "I'm fine I promise." I shake my head. "Your not fine Max." He closes his eyes. "I really am." I sigh. He gets up grabbing his phone but his sleeve lifts up. I poke mike rather hard and point to his sleeve. Mike sighs. Mike picks him up pulling his sleeve up. "Don't do this baby." He looks down nodding. He gets up and walks to his bunk. "Blades now!" Tony says standing up. Max hands him his backpack. He brings out 4 blades and a small box. "What's in the box?" Max looks alert now and try's grabbing it but I don't let him. "What's in it." He looks like he's going to cry. "Please dad. Please." I open the box and he starts crying harder.
It's pictures of him and his old family. Him as a lucker.
I hug him tightly. "I miss him so much." I nod.
"I know." He pulls away and grabs his bag. He goes to his bunk.
"I'm going to bed." He mutters.
I wish he was okay.

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