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Max's POV

I feel someone shaking me and whispering "wake up max school." I groan and push whoever it is away. "Week good morning to you to." I look and see vic. "I'm going to get dressed." He nods and walks out.
I go to my closet and grab and long sleeve black suicide silence pullover with Mitch on it.
Then I grab my glasses but put them down. I'm supposed to wear glasses but I look stupid.
I put my contacts in and grab my black backpack. I put on black vans over Batman socks and go downstairs.
Mike looks at me. "I like your sweatshirt." I nod looking down.
"Your awake????" He laughs. "Your father is making me take you!!" He yells so vic can hear him. Vic walks in. "Just take him to school Mike." Mike groans and stands up.
"Come on max." I nod.
I get in the car. He smiles. "If you need me or any of us you have our numbers right?" I nod.
"Yep." He smiles and pulls up to the school. "I love you max." I hug him. "Love you uncle mike." He waves and I walk into school.
I go to the office and the lady walks up at me.
"Name." I look down a bit. "Max Fuentes." She smiles handing me my form.
I walk to my first period which is History.
The teacher looks at me. "Your late-" he looks at his notes. "-Maxwell." I sigh. "Go to the back." I nod. I get various curses and names thrown at me.
I sit in the back and just block the teacher out.

My train of thought is interrupted by the next bell.
I get up grabbing my bag and walking into the hall. My next class is art. I actually like art. I go to walk there but get tripped. People start laughing. I just scramble up grabbing my bag and walk  to art fast.
After the teacher calls me maxwell. Like everyone has been. I go to sit down when my seat is pulled underneath me. I fall hitting my back and head, groaning. Everyone starts laughing.
I just pull another seat and sit down.
The teacher blabs on about random stuff.
At least it's Friday so I have all weekend before I get more bullying.
The bell rings meaning third period. Lunch.
I walk to lunch and sit at a empty table going through tweets until I feel something cold and sticky fall down my head and back, then my shoulders. "Since you weren't eating the food thought you could wear it fag." A tall boy says smirking.
I get up pushing past him and run to the bathroom as tears roll down my face.
I get in there and see no ones there. I close the main door and lock it.
I grab my blade and drag it across my skin. I hear people banging so I pull my sleeve down and unlock the door. The jocks from earlier slam in.
"Aw is the little faggot crying." He slams I'm me into the wall and knees me In the ribs. I groan. He looks at my shirt. "That dude sucks." That stings deep. The bell rings and I slide down the wall. He feels satisfied and walks away smirking. I clean as much food off of me as possible and grab my backpack and phone. I walk out into the hall and luckily everyone's in class.
I run out the front doors and down the street until I get to my house. I run in and up to my room. I quickly change into a blue hoodie and Batman sweatpants.
I walk downstairs where the guys are eyeing me. "Why aren't you at school?" Vic ask me sternly. I look down. "I didn't feel good." Mike walks over and feels my head. "He's actually a big warm." Mike looks down and winks. Oh my god thank god for uncle mike.
I walk over to tony and lay on his lap. He just rubs my back and I close my eyes falling asleep.
My luck I'll die in my sleep.

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