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Max's POV

I wake up to the annoying beep of my alarm. I turn it off and get up.
I put on black jeans, a galaxy pullover and my leather jacket. I put on black vans and go to the bathroom.
I fix my hair and put in my contacts.
I grab my backpack and go downstairs. I see only Tony's up. "Hey bud want me to take you?" I shake my head.
"I'm going to walk." He nods and I walk out the front door. The school isn't actually that far from my house.
I start walking when someone hits me in the back of the head. I look and see Luke, Adam and Brent.
All jocks who want to make my life a living hell.
I found out there names during school Friday.
Luke kicks me and they all walk away. I walk slower this time but I get there by period 2.
I go to art and sit down.
Art was uneventful. All I did was sketch Brendon Urie. I don't love his new music but I like vices and virtues a lot.

Next period sadly lunch. I sit in the back going through Instagram post. I feel something cold going down my head again. I sigh sadly and get up going straight to the bathroom. I wipe off all the food and sigh about to walk out when Brent walks in pushing me against the wall. "Hey faggot." I groan. He smiles and punches me straight to the eye.
I groan closing my eyes. He smirks and walks away. I slowly get up grabbing my bag and going to Chemistry.
I just want to go home.
I go to the back of the class.

Mike: hey bud how's school?
Me: I don't want to be here.
Mike: only an hour and a half left
Me: that doesn't sound better
Mike: you'll be home soon.

I put my phone in my pocket just as the next bell rings. I have music next.
The teacher is really laid back. She told us we could all just do whatever we want.
I just sketch a picture of Brendon Urie holding Josh dun.
Twenty One Pilots is also a very good band. They have a huge message. I write song lyrics and there all sad but tøp gave me my inspiration.
Tyler's the reason I started ukulele and piano.
I finish the sketch and close my sketchbook. I put it in my bag. Music ends and I sigh.
I don't want to go to gym.
I sneak to the back of the school and just sit there.
I feel a strong jolt in my bank. I look at see Brent and Luke. "Aw is the fag trying to get out of gym." Luke punches me in the face twice. I bite my lip, groaning in tons of pain.
He kicks me in the ribs five times then walks away. "Bye fatass." I close my eyes feeling dizzy but as soon as I stand up I feel better. The blood was probably rushing to my head.
I just want to die.
I grab my bag and curse myself for not wearing a jacket with a hood. I just look down and start walking home.
I open the door slowly and try sneaking upstairs and succeed.
I go to my bathroom and grab out foundation. I put it on the bruises and try to make my it look as normal as possible.
I walk downstairs and vic sees me. "Why aren't you at school?" I look down. "I hate gym so I left." It's kind of true. I hate gym but I left because I was beat for the thousandth time in my life.
But I can't tell them that.
"Can I go watch anime please." He sighs and nods.
Dragon ball Z comes on.
I just lay back and watch in. Someone comes in but I ignore it. "Gonna ignore uncle Justin." I look and jump into his arms. "Uncle Justin!!!!!!" He smiles. "Wait if your here that means—" I run downstairs and into Kellins arms. "Hey uncle kells." He smiles. "How are you max?" I nod. "Good.." it's a lie but.

We talk for like three hours until I have to go to bed because of hell. Oh I mean school.
No I mean hell.

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