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Max's POV

Yes schools over.
Well it's then end of this year so next school year I'm a senior (I know he was only in 8th but I had to change it. He's almost 17 and he will be a senior) today's the last day of the year and I have a bad feeling.

I'm not wearing anything fancy a blue hoodie and black jeans. Nothing to fancy. Adam runs over to me. "It's the last day till senior year man." I hum in response.
He pulls out a pack of cigarettes. "Thought you would need these." I gasp. "Thank you!!" He smiles and we go to the back. It's pretty dark outside. I mean it's raining, there's no sun it's just clouds but I Like the darkness.
I take a cigarette lighting it.
After two packs of cigarettes and a small bit of alcohol it's 1:30pm. School doesn't end for 2 hours. I stand up.
"Hey I've always wanted a tattoo." I'm not drunk or buzzed just numb. I like that.
"Well lets go then my friend." I don't even think about the fact my dad is going to kill me.

4 1/2 hours later

The tattoo is done. The meaning for the tattoo, the reason I got it (well I got a sleeve but) is: sometimes I feel like I'm in a whole different universe. I feel like I'm being tossed around and I just wish I could escape from my life so I got a tattoo that has different aspects of the world. It makes me feel like I have something worth talking about.
I also love space.
It also covers the scars on my left arm. No I haven't made any more.
If I do it's on my thighs.
"I don't know how I'm gonna hide it." I say as Adam plays with my arm. He finds the tattoo mesmerizing.
He smiles and goes home.
I decide to go to Austins I mean I need someone's help.

"What up lil man." I laugh. I took Adams hoodie and he's wearing mine. His is black with white splatters. "Um so I did a thing that my dad might kill me for." He eyes me. "Well you've smoked and skipped tons of school what's worst." I laugh nervously. "Did you get drunk." I shake my head.
"No I did this." I take off the hoodie. He gasp. I'm just wearing a tank top under the hoodie. I also work out every day. "That's amazing Dude." I smile. "But I'm not your dad. He might kill you." I laugh. "Thanks for the support." He chuckles. "Well if it gets heated come here or Andy's and Alex's. We're all here for you. Me and Alex and Andy love you." I hug him.
"Um do you have my spare skateboard here I didn't ride today and my house is two blocks away." He pulls my extra skateboard out. It's black with band stickers all over.
"I'll be back later maybe." He smiles and I decide to just shove my hoodie in my backpack and swing my backpack into my shoulders.

So now I have gauges, a lip ring both in which my dad didn't approve of. A tattoo sleeve and I changed my hair. I look different but. It looks like Alex gaskarths but mines gray. I get to the house.
I open the door and poke my head in only seeing mike and tony. "Is my dad here?" They shake their heads looking at me questionably.
I walk in and they both gasp. "He's going to fu.cking kill you." Tony says making me laugh.
"Way to make it sound bad." Mike sighs.
"He will kill y-" I hear a gasp and turn around to see my dad fuming.
Okay maybe I didn't think this through.
"You don't know when to stop do you!" I back away slowly. He stomps over to me angrily.
"Your grounded from your phone, tv, skateboard, everything. Your done Max. Done!" He takes my backpack and pushes me towards the stairs.
"Up now!" I run upstairs tripping on a few steps I end of falling and just laying on the top of the stairs. I crawl to my room and lay on my floor crying. I quietly and quickly sneak out my window.
It's 7;30 now.
I run to Alex's house. He's the closest. I knock out of breath doesn't mix with broken ribs and no food in my system.
Someone opens the door and picks me up gasping.
It's Zack.
"One nice tattoo two why are you here." Alex ask. I breath in.
"My dad blew up. He may of not been aware I got this. I did it during school with my friend Adam." Jack walks in.
"Mike saw Adam he said his words 'he's a attractive fuck.'" I laugh. "So my dad grounded me from everything. TV, smoking which I stopped after today, my skateboard, my phone, my headphones, anything." They look at me mouth opened.
"But he expects you to stay alive without your music." I sigh. "That reminds me he took my journals, guitar, and banned me from leaving. I climbed down a tree and I hit my already damaged ribs." Jack rubs my shoulder.
"I just wish he would understand that I didn't get this because the heck of it, I got it cause it has a meaning to me. Sometimes I feel like exploding and this is somewhat my way of escaping safely. I look at it and it shows me some sort of hope..."
Zack hugs me.
"You need to stop working yourself. I know you've been working out everyday." I look down.
"My dad hates me what am I supposed to do. I'm probably dead when he finds out I'm go-" Alex's phone rings.
"It's your dad."
Oh god.

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