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That's Adam^
2 weeks later
Max's POV

So school couldn't be worse.
Myla has the flu and Carson broke up with me so it's just me right now.
I can't walk without groaning.
My ribs hurt like fucking hell.
I finish putting on my pants.
I'm just wearing a black hoodie and gray sweatpants. Mike walks in. My skin is really pale but it's so much paler then usual.
I haven't ate a full meal in over 2 months.
The last thing I ate was that cheese sandwich.
"Ready for school." I shrug.
I stopped talking when Sam died.
He sighs.
"Come on." I grab my backpack.
Vic looks over at me. He still doesn't know anything about what's been happening.
I also have been skipping school and smoking.
"If you don't go to class today I tell him." I nod.
I can't go today. Masaia, he's a guy who hates me, threatened to beat me so hard I can't walk for a week.
I can't go to class.
I walk outside after waving to them. Someone walks over to me but I don't look up.
"Talk you little fag or I'll punch you." Adam.
"W-what do you wnat Adam?" He smiles.
He never smiles.
"I just wanted to hear your voice." I look at him confused.
"Your gay?" He nods. "Yeah. I am." I look down.
"Why did you stop talking." He says lifting my head up.
"Sam overdosed. I'm skipping class you?" He smiles.
"Want me to stay with you?" I nod.
I scan his appearance.
He's wearing a blue tank top, black jeans and a grey beanie.
"You look good." He smiles. "Same to you." I smile and we go to the back of the school. He holds my hand gently and we sit behind the bleachers.
Wow I might like him.

Adopted by Vic FuentesWhere stories live. Discover now