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Vics POV

Mike try's to calm me down but it doesn't work.
Max snuck out.
I call Austin. Hasn't seen him since earlier.
I call Andy. Hasn't seen him either.
I call Alex.

(A: Alex, V: Vic, J: Jack, Z: Zack)
A "hey vic."
V "hey is max there?"
J "shut up dude." I hear jack say.
A "yeah."
Z "Max come back!" I hear Zack yell.
J "Alex just shut up."
A "well he's being held down at the moment. I don't think he wants to see you."
V "I don't give a damn I'm his dad."

I hang up and grab my car keys.
I drive furiously to Alex's. I knock. He opens it and I walk in seeing max playing video games with jack.
"Maxwell Fuentes." He jumps at my voice and hides behind Zack who puts his arm around him protectively.
I grab him forcefully and drag him to the car as he struggles.
"Your only 16 max!" He looks down at his seat.
"Your grounded and I'm sorry but you can't go on tour with us." His head snaps up.
"What why!" I sigh. "Your in a lot of trouble. You snuck out after being grounded!" We arrive at the house and start walking in.
"You can't do that. Please you took everything else away what do you want from me." He cries out as mike, tony and jaime watch intently.
"I want you to stop being so rebellious. Smoking, tattoos, gauges, hair, lip piercing, skipping school. Your going to far Maxwell." He cringes.
"I'm a teenager! Your my dad you have been for a year and a half!" I sigh.
"Your not going on the tour." He pulls at his hair a thing he does when he's stressed.
"At least let me have my guitar please or my journals." He pleads but I shake my head. "No max you went to far." Tears stream down his face and he punches the wall full force making it dent in a lot. He runs up to his room and I slide down the wall. Tony goes after max and mike sits next to me.
"Your being to hard on him." I groan. Tony walks down with a unconscious max.
"Your a idiot vic." He says before walking out. I sit there confused.
Mike sighs.
"Just think. He's going through a tough time. His brother, his best friend. It's hard on a kid." I sigh. "So. It doesn't mean he can do all this."
Mike sighs softly.
"I agree the smoking and skipping school was a bit much but his hair isn't a big deal either is the lip piercing or gauges. He got the tattoo cause it means something." I sigh.

Tony walks back in about 20 minutes later with an alert Max. "Your eating right now Max." Max sighs nodding and they go to the kitchen. Mike walks in there as I just sit confused.
I get up and go in there seeing max scarfing down a taco.
"So you wanna tell your dad or should I?" Max shrugs moving his hair a bit.
"Well vic while you were angry your son hasn't been eating!" Max shrugs scarfing down two more tacos and gets up going to mikes room and comes back down with mikes skateboard then leaves.
"What am I going to do with him." Mike walks outside and comes back in holding Max my his ear.
"Ow ow ow let go ow ow ow." Mike drags him upstairs and comes back down.
"He's with jaime." I nod.
Max comes down with jaime. "Uncle hime said I could play video games." I just roll my eyes and turn to tony.

20 minutes later max is asleep on jaime and Jaime's playing bass. Why did max let himself get so bad. 

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