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Max's POV

'I'm Pete wentz from my chem-" my alarm says.
"Shut up Brendon!" I hit my alarm turning it off. I get up and take off what I'm wearing which a a MCR hoodie and black sweatpants.
I grab black jeans, a drop dead hoodie and black vans.
Before I put them on I look in my mirror.
Ugly, fat, hideous.
I put my clothes on and grab my phone, and backpack. I didn't want to wake anyone else up so I just sneak downstairs and out the door.
I feel like something's off today. I don't know what but something's off.
I get to school and the first three bells are the same as usual. I get beat up food dumped on me but when I got to chemistry i knew something was up.
It was pouring rain outside and the lights kept going off.
The back up generator came on and that's when the principal came over the speaker.
"There are intruders in the building with guns. I repeat there are intruders in the building with guns."
The teacher tells us to hide.
Someone's slams into the room and someone's moves. I hear gun shots.
I fall and everything goes black.

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