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First day of 12th grade
Max's POV

Ugh I don't want be at this hell hole. Adam got suspended on the last day of school so he had to move schools. I'm alone in a school of people who hate me. Speaking of Adam he's calling me.

A "hey don't get in trouble without me."
M "yeah yeah I have to go this teachers a ass."
A "bye Maxxy." I smile.
I put my phone in my pocket as Mr. Way walks in. He's just uptight when he's in a bad mood. Today was one of those days. "Just do whatever. It's Music so." I sit in my chair putting my head on my desk.

It's finally lunch. My worst favorite time of day.
Someone sits next to me. "Hey fag." He pushes me on the floor stepping on my ribs. 
I groan. He drags me into the bathroom and continues hitting me. He picks me up putting me on his back but like so my backs on his back and holding me by my arms. It hurts a lot.
He throws me on my doorstep, knocks then runs away.
Someone's opens the door gasping and picks me up hitting me ribs. I cry out in pain. "Ahh it's okay." Who Evers holding me says. It's not my dad but I also know it's not uncle hime. It's mike. "What the fuck." Someone yells.
I flinch. "Stop yelling." Mike whispers loud enough for them to hear.
I close my eyes trying to stop the pain on my ribs, face, everywhere.
I open my eyes slightly when mike sits me on the kitchen counter with everyone looking at me worried.
He start slowly touching my bruises to see if anything broken.
He gets to my ribs and I scream in pain. "Ribs are severely broken. Probably worse then last time." I start crying. My dad picks me up carefully and puts my legs around his waist. "They all hate me." He shhhs me. "Mike your driving." Mike nods and we all go to the car. My dad lays me across him and tony.
I just curl on his lap.
After a long excruciating pain filled ride to the hospital vic puts me in Tony's arms. "We need help." Vic says. "Stretcher!" A lady yells. I'm laid on a stretcher and pulled away. "We're going to do some X-rays okay bud?" I nod.

"So we just got the results back. He has 2 broken ribs but they will heal in a week." Everyone nods and I get up. The nurse gave me pain pills which stopped the pain.
"Are you sure you can go to school tomorrow?" I nod. "I'll be fine dad."
Boy was I very wrong.

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