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Max's POV

I got like 15 minutes of sleep but I couldn't go back to sleep so I took a shower.
I blow dry my hair and put on a black tank top under a hoodie I took from Alex. It's black with colorful dots to represent paint. I put on black jeans and a beanie. I grab my bag and go downstairs where the guys are. I go
To the bus and pick my bunk. Kellin texted me and said he's going to propose at the last show in 4 months but he's going to tell PTV tonight except vic obviously.
He told sws last week.
I'm happy.
Kellins going to be my dad.
Today's my birthday.
I'm finally 18.
They probably forgot.
I get on the bus and go to my bunk. Of course it's the highest one. It goes me, jaime the vic. Then across me it's mike and tony.
I put my headphones in and twenty one pilots comes on. I'm happy cause we're going to Ontario on the tour so I get to see Blake.
It's cool cause Ontario is the last show so Kellin is proposing in Ontario.
Right now we're going to Las Vegas. I close my eyes and decide to try and get more sleep.

•five hours later•

I wake up to loud arguing and no movement. Guess we're at the venue. "Stop fucking arguing." I say as I jump out of my bunk. Vic, mike and Kellin are arguing. "Stop arguing before I throw you three out of the bus. Your giving me a headache!" They all shut up.
I sit next to tony and he rubs my arm and whispers in my ear. "Happy birthday Maxxy." I lean against his chest. They start arguing again. "Guys shut the fuck up you've been arguing for an hour." Tony says. I sigh and stand up storming out of the bus. I go to sleeping with sirens bus. I knock and Gabe opens it. "Can I see your boyfriend." He laughs nodding. I walk in. "Justin Max is here." Justin comes out talking to nick. "Happy birthday max." Nick, jack and gabe all say. I smile. "It seems all of pierce the veil except for tony forgot." Justin rubs my back. "Happy birthday Maxxy." I nod. "My dad, mike and Kellin are arguing." Justin looks down. "I think he found out you were with Kellin last night." I sigh.
"I better get back. My birthday has been great for the past 2 years hasn't it." I say rubbing my head. Justin pulls me into a very tight hug. I sigh and pull away. "I'll come back if things get to heated bye guys." They all wave and I walk back to my bus.
They finally stopped arguing.
I pull my phone out and sit on jaime. Jaime leans against my ear. "Happy birthday." I smile. I think him and tony are waiting for my dad and mike to remember. I look through my phone.

Alex: happy birthday babe
Max: thank you babe

Levi: happy birthday Max
Max: thanks Levi

Adam: happy birthday best fren
Max: thanks

I smile and put my phone in my pocket. Kellin sits next to me. "What were you guys arguing about." My dad sighs. "Justin said Kellin was out and so were you." I roll my eyes. "I was at the skatepark with Adam." Kellin smiles. "I was getting a Mountain Dew because gabe drunk all of them." My dad nods and kisses Kellin tightly.
"Okay I have to go. State champs finished so I have to go get ready." I hug him and he leaves the bus. I walk to the back and start playing video games. Mike walks in closing the door. "Happy birthday Maxx." I smile but I don't look at him cause I'm playing mortal combat.
"Just wish my dad would remember." He nods.
He hugs me then goes to the front.
Why doesn't he remember?

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